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Vinyl 2010 multimédia verseny

vinyl2010A Fenntartható Gondolkodásért Platform várja az egész Európából és a világ többi részéről 18 és 30 év közötti fiatalok jelentkezését multimédia versenyükre, hogy fejtsék ki véleményüket, elképzeléseiket a következő kérdéssel kapcsolatban: Folyamatosan  gyarapodó népesség mellett, hogyan tudjuk hatékonyan maximalizálni erőforrásainkat a növekvő igényeinek megfelelően? A jelentkezéseket fotó, videó és esszé kategóriákban várják.

A jelentkezéseket 2010 december 31-ig lehet benyújtani!

Bővebb információ:

With an ever-increasing population, how can we maximise resource efficiency to meet our growing needs?

The Sustainable Thinking Platform has launched the second round of its multimedia competition aimed at people aged 18-30 years old from all around the world. Participants are allowed to submit a maximum of 1 essay, 3 pictures and 1 video.

This edition will run from 1 September until 31 December and all entries must address the following question „With an ever-increasing population, how can we maximise resource efficiency to meet our growing needs?”

Participants are asked to rate other members’ work. To do that, simply click on an essay, picture or video and choose the number of stars you want to award. You will only be able to vote once for the same work but you can rate as many submissions as you want.

These votes will be used to select the finalists for our competition. The winners will be selected by a professional panel of journalists and industry representatives.

You will have the chance to win a laptop computer, photographic camera or camcorder depending on the category you are competing in. But that is not the only way you can win. If someone you tell about the competition wins,  you will receive a 100 Euro gift certificate for Amazon.

So hurry up, join our community, upload your work and remember to tell your friends!

Before you upload your essay, photography or video, please make sure you have a short summary ready explaining what your work is about and the story behind it.

Photo competition participate

Video competition participate

Essay competition participate
