A Cedefop fotópályázata Tanulás az életért, munka a növekedésért (Learning for life, working to grow) témakörökökben. A pályázat nyitott minden magánszemély számára.
A pályázatok benyújtásának határideje: 2012. április 11.
További információk, jelentkezési lap: http://photobiennale-greece.gr/en
Concerning the topic of the Parallel Program of the PhotoBiennale, this year it will be entitled “Balkans-Thessaloniki”, as part of the program “Thessaloniki-Cultural Crossroads” initiated by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training of the European Union, and the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, the only state-run museum for photography, overseen by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, invite photographers to take part in the 4th Cedefop Photomuseum Award, which is being organised in connection with the PhotoBiennale 2012 / 22nd International Photography Meeting (exhibitions, portfolio reviews, screenings, masterclasses, colloquia). This year the main theme of the meeting is “Logos” completing the trilogy that was initiated in the PhotoBiennale of 2008 with “Time” (“Chronos”) and continued in 2010 with “Place” (“Topos”).
Learning for life, working to grow
The Central idea of this year’s theme is bound up with the importance of lifelong learning as well as with work and its importance as a means of personal development and not just a way of life.
Any photographers and any artists who use the photographic medium, irrespective of sex, age and nationality, may take part in the competition.
To register, send the following to the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography:
1. the application form, which can be found at www.photobiennale.gr under AWARDS;
2. a portfolio of 10 to 20 photographs;
3. a short biographical note;
4. a short description of the work/project.
The application together with the photographs (on a CD-ROM or preferably in the form of prints) may be sent either by post to the address of the Museum (addressee: CEDEFOP PHOTOMUSEUM AWARD 2012) or by email to cedefopaward@photobiennale.gr (the e-mail should be no bigger than 10MB).
The chosen photographer/artist (1st award) will receive as a prize the sum of EUR 5 000. His or her work will be presented in a slide show during the award ceremony, and the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography will include an exhibition by the winner in its next PhotoBiennale, as it did for Mario Magnabosco (2008) and Myrto Papadopoulou (2010) -winners in the two previous years- and will do for Eileen Kennedy in the PhotoBiennale of 2012. A distinction will be awarded to the photographers in second and third place.
Apart from the relation of the photographic material to the theme mentioned above, photographs will be assessed on the basis of coherence, artistic quality and the personal style of the creator.
A five-member jury of experts in the field of photography will evaluate the participants’ work and will decide on the award. The jury will include representatives of the two organisers (Cedefop and the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography) and of other cultural organisations and bodies in Europe whose activities are related to photography.
The photographic material (portfolios) must be sent by 11 April 2012.
The photographic material must be sent to the postal address of the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography:
Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
c/o Thessaloniki Central Post Office
38, Vas. Irakliou str.
541 01 Thessaloniki, Greece
For additional information about the prize, please contact Alexandra Athanasiadou
T +30 2310 566716
F +30 2310 566717
E cedefopaward@photobiennale.gr
Web: http://photobiennale-greece.gr/en
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