Héjhó, tervező grafikusok! építészek lévén tőlünk ennyire futotta…még mindig csak egy nagy kérdőjel az idei Architecture Challenge logója. de itt jöttök ti a képbe! a küldetés – amit nem illene visszautasítani – nem top-secret, de globális jelentőségű: humanitáriánus célok mentén szerveződött építészek nemzetközi hálózataként indítunk hamarosan egy tervpályázatot, amivel célunk korábbi katonai létesítmények újrahasznosítására való mozgósítás, figyelemfelkeltés, ötletelésre és együttműködésre serkentés, azonban mindezidáig nem tudtuk kitalálni, hogyan is lehetne mindezt grafikailag megjeleníteni.
A pályázatnak neve már van: [un]restricted access vagyis korlátlan hozzáférés, de most egy nagy adag grafikai kreativitásra volna szükség, hogy a dolog lényege a logóban is megfelelőképpen tükröződjön. szóval, kérlek villantsd meg a tehetséged, és csatlakozz a küldetésünkhöz! ez itt a link, a pályázatokat pedig augusztus 26-ig várjuk. aztán ki tudja, még a végén a tiéd lesz egy menő éjjellátó szemüveg, jah, és persze 500 dolcsi.
Beadási határidő: 2011 augusztus 26.
Every other year, Architecture for Humanity’s Open Architecture Challenge (OAC) brings international attention to issues in the built environment affecting the health, prosperity and well-being of under-served communities. The upcoming 2011 Open Architecture Challenge: [un]restricted access: from military space to civic space asks designers to develop imaginative and revolutionary ideas for re-purposing abandoned, closed or decommissioned military sites and structures around the world.
Base closures can have an adverse affect on the surrounding community. In Albania, more than 750,000 bunkers pepper the landscape — a constant reminder of its isolated past. In the U.S. alone, nearly 12 million square feet of leased military space will be vacated resulting in the loss of an estimated 18,000 civilian jobs in the latest round of closures.
Learn more about the 2011 Open Architecture Challenge: [un]restricted access
The graphic identity for this year’s Open Architecture Challenge — [Un]restricted Access — has not been identified.
We need your help to create a logo and website header that will serve as the symbol of the competition.
Download a PDF of the Competition Brief.
This competition, focused on re-purposing vacant military structures and sites, will catalyze awareness, ideas, and most importantly – actions.
Through this global forum, designers and architects will develop solutions that reconnect military and civilian communities. The history of these important spaces will be highlighted while hidden potential is uncovered.
Check out the 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Better Classroom Design
The purpose of the contest is to design a graphic icon and banner, which will be used on all online and print collateral related to the Challenge. Given the global reach of the Challenge, the graphic icon must serve as a universal symbol of the competition and may be used apart from the banner.
- Original .psd or .ai file required (the final version of the Challenge icon and banner will need to be suitable for high quality printing)
- Online banner dimensions are 600 x 300 pixels
- The banner must contain the words “2011 Open Architecture Challenge: [un]restricted access” (you decide the case, no quotes required).
- Optional — Any external collateral that you think might be helpful
August 12, 2011 |
Competition Announcement |
August 26, 2011 |
Submission Deadline |
September 03, 2011 |
Winner Announced |
*Dates subject to change. All registered teams will be notified, and promotional documents and media channels will be updated to appropriately reflect updates.
night vision goggles (seriously). Oh, and $500 USD cash prize and recognition in collateral related to the competition.
All designs submitted to this identity design competition will subject to the Creative Commons license, which apply to all files posted to the Open Architecture Network. Architecture for Humanity reserves the right to publish entries as deemed appropriate and reserves the right request minor changes to the top selected entries.
Have a question? Contact us. Please write in the subject line: OAC 2011 Identity Challenge.
The Open Architecture Network and the Open Architecture Challenge are programs of Architecture for Humanity, a 501(c)3 charitable organization that seeks architectural solutions to humanitarian crisis and brings design services to communities in need.
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