Ha szeretnél februártól egy éven keresztül egy litván oviban önkéntesként dolgozni, akkor itt a helyed!
Jelentkezési határidő: 2011.01.10. (A határidőt a jelentkezők számától függően kitolhatjuk még.)
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Angol nyelvű önéletrajzot küldj a kati(kukac)messzelato(pont)hu e-mail címre. A tárgyban szerepeljen ez: „EVS in Lithuania, Kindergarden (2011 LT 6)”
Project Environment
The project will take place in Bernatoniai village, which is just 7 km to the West North from Panevezys city (the 5th of the biggest cities in Lithuania). The local city buses as well as minibuses are going all day around from the centre of Panevezys city till Bernatoniai, when the weather is good, volunteers would have possibility to reach the Bernatoniai school- kindergarten by bickles.
Bernatoniai village have 2 shops, 1 café and 2 pubs, 1 post office, the branch of the public library of Panevezys region and culture house of Bernatoniai just beside the kindergarten-school building.. Bernatoniai belongs to Panevezys elderate with 4 other villages and in all elderate live 5,8 thousands inhabitants. Majority of inhabitants are working in the city
Panevezys has 130 000 inhabitants and is famous for its cultural life. In Panevezys we have four theatres, art and photo galleries, 1 university, 1 college. As the city is not big, public transportation service is very good and bicycle track network is very well developed. The economical and social environment is on the medium stage, but growing very intensively recent years.
Activities For The Volunteer
Volunteers will have possibility to integrate to the social life of Panevezys city and Bernotiniai village and also:
- to know traditional and cultural life of Lithuania;
- to know the working style and methods with kids in Bernatoniai school-kindergarten also visiting other institutes (work experience);
- to make their own input working with kids, new ideas, methods and ect.(working style) ;
- to make kids more open mind, develop their creativity, realising wishes, also volunteers (art, songs, dances, sport outside, games);
- to feel the group/ command work, all together making the same activities and realising new ideas (from the beginning), collaboration and communication;
- after some months, volunteers will be able to feel also leader feelings, for some parts of daily life they will be able to stay alone with kids, trying our selves (non-formal education);
- to find them selves- future plans about the job, ideas of the life, practise them selves through spending the time with kids (leisure time);
- volunteers will rise mentality (technical information) , making presentations and other technical things (fill some papers, youth pass);
- raise self confidence and responsibility taking care about kids;
Hosting organization Bernatoniu school-kindergarten will take care about the volunteer during the working time:
- making him/her feel comfortable, to show all rooms, working classes, to integrate him/her inside the building, to know kids, to meet teachers, especially who will work directly with the volunteer;
- inside the hosting organization will be provide two special persons: tutor and mentor, tutor will provide and inform volunteer about the working time-table, mentor will be „friend” who will take care about the volunteer.
Hosting organization (together with CO) will organize arrival for the volunteer (practical preparation):
- all practical things, such as on-arrival, mid-term seminars will organize coordinating organization informing hosting organization and volunteer;
- all accommodation things, questions and stuffs will take care coordinating organization. Volunteers will live in Panevezys city, in apartment of 3 rooms, where they would share sometimes one room with 2 volunteers (2 girls or 2 boys).
Coordinating organization also takes care about the living comfort of accommodation: for this, coordinating organization will delegate person/ coordinator, who will be responsible for the good life atmosphere in the flat (to check, to fixed, to prepare, to change). Also coordinator will be the second friend of volunteer during the EVS project. He/she will be responsible for the main directions in cities: to show the volunteer where the shops, the bus stops the way (Panevezys- Bernatoniai- Panevezys), main institutes, banks and ect.
Coordinating organization will provide food, pocket and transport money each months. Lunch time volunteers will have possibility to share with the kids in hosting organization Bernatoniai school- kindergarten (volunteer will take money and pay for it).
Coordinating organization also will provide for volunteers the courses of Lithuanian language (for 3 months).
Kindergarten is open five days per week. From monday till friday. Work day starts at 6:45 and ends 18:45. But volunteer will work with older groups so he/she will start activities at 11 and stay till 17.
11:00-12:00 Activities outside. (walking, exploring nature, outdoor games, health issues, sport activities)
12:00-12:45 Preparation for lunch, lunch.
13:00-15:00. Educational programs, Art, games, building, languages, sport and music hours.
From 15:30 till the end of a day – Preparations for dinner, dinner, games, some cultural activities.
For the begging volunteer will work together with the Bernatoniu school-kindergarten workers (teachers) as an assistances, making the main things working with the kids : help to unclosed kids when they are coming to the school-kindergarten, lead them to classes, help them find their sits, fill the free time (through games, art, communication (telling the stories, reading the books, fairy tales)), help to make bathroom, lead kids to the dining room, make them sleep, prepare and clean the room before and after activities, and ect.
Introduce themselves, through presentations about their own country, city, traditional food, songs, dances, tell some stories, showing pictures of the family, friends, job or universities.
After some months, when volunteers will adapt and teachers will be more open for the new methods, style and creativity. Volunteer will have possibility to make their own idea truth, realise own games, songs, dances. To make some changes in leisure time of kids, and be more open to stay with kids alone, taking responsibilities and care.
Also volunteers will be able to organise some additional activities for the kids and workers (teachers): make English lessons, traditional food day, organize additional celebration performances (with the kids to sing traditional songs, dance dances and ect.). That way volunteer can feel his/her self more useful, giving some ideas and proposals for the hosting organization.
The main idea of the project „not only to take, but also to give, to share ideas, opinions (teachers-volunteer, kids- volunteer, volunteer- teachers, volunteer- kids). Also volunteer by being inside of community will give positive things, ideas, open mind (breaking the stereotypes), refresh route of their daily life through organizing cultural evenings, with traditional food, dances, representing them selves, through POWER POINT presentations and ect.
We would like to receive 2 volunteers who would be able first of all work with kids, love them, take care and be responsible of them. The main profiles of the volunteer should be:
- friendly
- active
- don’t have alcohol, cigarettes and drug addictions
- flexible for the working style, methods and ect.
- open minded
- respectful
- self- confidence and responsible
- able work in groups/ alone
- creative (games, songs, art, dances, sport outside and ect.), able to give some new ideas.
Volunteers also will have their free time to organize individual leisure, meet friends, to know more about Lithuania, to visit places and ect.
About sending organization the responsibility will take coordinating organization (to find, to collaborate and communicate). Coordinating organization will show some volunteers CV, motivation letters and application forms for hosting organization, choosing the volunteers all responsibility will take hosting organization.
Number Of Volunteers Hosted: 2
Risk Prevention
Volunteers will have their „local friends”, hosting organization will provide mentor and tutor, coordinating organization- coordinator. Tutor will be responsible for the daily time table for the volunteer, mentor who will be all the time near the volunteer, caring about his safe time in hosting organization, providing support and help (if volunteer will have heard time). Coordinator who will be responsible for the main living questions: apartment safe (he/she will help to fix, to change broken stuffs), help to find shops, banks, bus stations and stops, will show the way how to get till hosting organization, explain all need things for the beginning to be sure, that volunteer feel safe and comfortable. Also to lead the volunteer to the doctor, help to buy medicines and ect.
Also volunteers will be introduce to the local and social life of Lithuania, will meet communities and other volunteers, that way making group of friends and organizing their own leisure time.
Motivation and EVS experience
Bernatoniu school-kindergarten once already have been accredited by the National Agency (2 years ago), after we saw presentation about the EVS program made by Coordinating organization PANOIPC. Also during the time, we had to decide, if we ready to be hosting organization for the new volunteers, we had met some volunteers, observed their working style and possibilities in others shool-kindergartens. After accreditation, at the first time we had hosted 2 wonderful volunteers. We were very exited and happy to have these girls in our school-kindergarten. For now we have already have another 2 grate girls. They make a lot of positive changes and make the life in kindergarten more alive and open not only for teachers, but mostly the based making on kids (through non formal education).
After volunteers came kids started to be more active, open minded, spontaneous making art or dances, the wish to attend the school-kindergarten arise, that saw all working group of the school-kindergarten. Parents of the kids are also happy, that the new methods and atmosphere of the school-kindergarten came, kids started to talk more and more about the positive things they get. The social cultural life started to be more refreshed and open.
We, Bernatoniu school-kindergarten very happy having the possibility to host volunteers. As we are not big organization, volunteers can spread their positive feeling and to make their input and wishes in all organization.
We strongly believe that the life with volunteers make us (kids and teachers) more self confidence, open minded, breaking the stereotypes, active, flexible (working style) and would like to continue this program Youth in Action with volunteers.
Description of the organisation
Bernatoniai Kindergarten
Organization – Bernatoniai Kindergarten is 7 kilometres from Panevezys city. In our institution there are few groups of children: pre-school group in kindergarten ( the children age 1 to 4 year), the last year kindergarten children( age5 to 6 year), and primary school (1-4 forms). At the moment there are 56 children in total. There are 18 employees working in the kindergarten every day, 8 pedagogies and 5 workers.
The institution is under administrative responsibility of the municipality of Panevezys region – therefore it has it’s fixed place in the life of the community as well as in village life.
The opening hours of the kindergarten are from 6.45 a.m. – 18.45 p.m. during school holidays the opening hours are shortened.
Together with the children, we work on special subjects which are fixed each month, taking into consideration the different seasons, holidays or special interests of the children.
In the building on 2 floors there are located 5 groups rooms, washing rooms, small gym and a conference room as well as the kitchen. Outside around the building there is a playground with several climbing frames, sandbox etc. The children have a lot of space for moving and motor activities, detecting nature and to try things out.
A team of three people will be responsible for volunteer project in the organization. Youth leader from coordinating organisation will help in kindergarten with translation while planning volunteer’s work time at first months, also will encourage volunteer to express himself. One group teacher will be responsible for daily activities and director – for all volunteers time in organization and all his/her needs in his her working place.
Kindergarten staff knows Russian and backgrounds of English languages.
Contact Point
Organisation: VðÁ „Route-4”
Address: Kniaudiðkiø g. 46-8
Postal code: 37122
Town: Panevëþys
Country: Lithuania
E-mail: vsi.route4@gmail.com
Phone: +370 61216004
Contact: Zana Mamontova
A programról részletes leírást itt olvashatsz!
Project Environment
The project will take place in Bernatoniai village, which is just 7 km to the West North from Panevezys city (the 5th of the biggest cities in Lithuania). The local city buses as well as minibuses are going all day around from the centre of Panevezys city till Bernatoniai, when the weather is good, volunteers would have possibility to reach the Bernatoniai school- kindergarten by bickles.
Bernatoniai village have 2 shops, 1 café and 2 pubs, 1 post office, the branch of the public library of Panevezys region and culture house of Bernatoniai just beside the kindergarten-school building.. Bernatoniai belongs to Panevezys elderate with 4 other villages and in all elderate live 5,8 thousands inhabitants. Majority of inhabitants are working in the city
Panevezys has 130 000 inhabitants and is famous for its cultural life. In Panevezys we have four theatres, art and photo galleries, 1 university, 1 college. As the city is not big, public transportation service is very good and bicycle track network is very well developed. The economical and social environment is on the medium stage, but growing very intensively recent years.
Activities For The Volunteer
Volunteers will have possibility to integrate to the social life of Panevezys city and Bernotiniai village and also:
– to know traditional and cultural life of Lithuania;
– to know the working style and methods with kids in Bernatoniai school-kindergarten also visiting other institutes (work experience);
– to make their own input working with kids, new ideas, methods and ect.(working style) ;
– to make kids more open mind, develop their creativity, realising wishes, also volunteers (art, songs, dances, sport outside, games);
– to feel the group/ command work, all together making the same activities and realising new ideas (from the beginning), collaboration and communication;
– after some months, volunteers will be able to feel also leader feelings, for some parts of daily life they will be able to stay alone with kids, trying our selves (non-formal education);
– to find them selves- future plans about the job, ideas of the life, practise them selves through spending the time with kids (leisure time);
– volunteers will rise mentality (technical information) , making presentations and other technical things (fill some papers, youth pass);
– raise self confidence and responsibility taking care about kids;
Hosting organization Bernatoniu school-kindergarten will take care about the volunteer during the working time:
– making him/her feel comfortable, to show all rooms, working classes, to integrate him/her inside the building, to know kids, to meet teachers, especially who will work directly with the volunteer;
– inside the hosting organization will be provide two special persons: tutor and mentor, tutor will provide and inform volunteer about the working time-table, mentor will be „friend” who will take care about the volunteer.
Hosting organization (together with CO) will organize arrival for the volunteer (practical preparation):
– all practical things, such as on-arrival, mid-term seminars will organize coordinating organization informing hosting organization and volunteer;
– all accommodation things, questions and stuffs will take care coordinating organization. Volunteers will live in Panevezys city, in apartment of 3 rooms, where they would share sometimes one room with 2 volunteers (2 girls or 2 boys).
Coordinating organization also takes care about the living comfort of accommodation: for this, coordinating organization will delegate person/ coordinator, who will be responsible for the good life atmosphere in the flat (to check, to fixed, to prepare, to change). Also coordinator will be the second friend of volunteer during the EVS project. He/she will be responsible for the main directions in cities: to show the volunteer where the shops, the bus stops the way (Panevezys- Bernatoniai- Panevezys), main institutes, banks and ect.
Coordinating organization will provide food, pocket and transport money each months. Lunch time volunteers will have possibility to share with the kids in hosting organization Bernatoniai school- kindergarten (volunteer will take money and pay for it).
Coordinating organization also will provide for volunteers the courses of Lithuanian language (for 3 months).
Kindergarten is open five days per week. From monday till friday. Work day starts at 6:45 and ends 18:45. But volunteer will work with older groups so he/she will start activities at 11 and stay till 17.
11:00-12:00 Activities outside. (walking, exploring nature, outdoor games, health issues, sport activities)
12:00-12:45 Preparation for lunch, lunch.
13:00-15:00. Educational programs, Art, games, building, languages, sport and music hours.
From 15:30 till the end of a day – Preparations for dinner, dinner, games, some cultural activities.
For the begging volunteer will work together with the Bernatoniu school-kindergarten workers (teachers) as an assistances, making the main things working with the kids : help to unclosed kids when they are coming to the school-kindergarten, lead them to classes, help them find their sits, fill the free time (through games, art, communication (telling the stories, reading the books, fairy tales)), help to make bathroom, lead kids to the dining room, make them sleep, prepare and clean the room before and after activities, and ect.
Introduce themselves, through presentations about their own country, city, traditional food, songs, dances, tell some stories, showing pictures of the family, friends, job or universities.
After some months, when volunteers will adapt and teachers will be more open for the new methods, style and creativity. Volunteer will have possibility to make their own idea truth, realise own games, songs, dances. To make some changes in leisure time of kids, and be more open to stay with kids alone, taking responsibilities and care.
Also volunteers will be able to organise some additional activities for the kids and workers (teachers): make English lessons, traditional food day, organize additional celebration performances (with the kids to sing traditional songs, dance dances and ect.). That way volunteer can feel his/her self more useful, giving some ideas and proposals for the hosting organization.
The main idea of the project „not only to take, but also to give, to share ideas, opinions (teachers-volunteer, kids- volunteer, volunteer- teachers, volunteer- kids). Also volunteer by being inside of community will give positive things, ideas, open mind (breaking the stereotypes), refresh route of their daily life through organizing cultural evenings, with traditional food, dances, representing them selves, through POWER POINT presentations and ect.
We would like to receive 2 volunteers who would be able first of all work with kids, love them, take care and be responsible of them. The main profiles of the volunteer should be:
– friendly
– active
– don’t have alcohol, cigarettes and drug addictions
– flexible for the working style, methods and ect.
– open minded
– respectful
– self- confidence and responsible
– able work in groups/ alone
– creative (games, songs, art, dances, sport outside and ect.), able to give some new ideas.
Volunteers also will have their free time to organize individual leisure, meet friends, to know more about Lithuania, to visit places and ect.
About sending organization the responsibility will take coordinating organization (to find, to collaborate and communicate). Coordinating organization will show some volunteers CV, motivation letters and application forms for hosting organization, choosing the volunteers all responsibility will take hosting organization.
Number Of Volunteers Hosted: 2
Risk Prevention
Volunteers will have their „local friends”, hosting organization will provide mentor and tutor, coordinating organization- coordinator. Tutor will be responsible for the daily time table for the volunteer, mentor who will be all the time near the volunteer, caring about his safe time in hosting organization, providing support and help (if volunteer will have heard time). Coordinator who will be responsible for the main living questions: apartment safe (he/she will help to fix, to change broken stuffs), help to find shops, banks, bus stations and stops, will show the way how to get till hosting organization, explain all need things for the beginning to be sure, that volunteer feel safe and comfortable. Also to lead the volunteer to the doctor, help to buy medicines and ect.
Also volunteers will be introduce to the local and social life of Lithuania, will meet communities and other volunteers, that way making group of friends and organizing their own leisure time.
Motivation and EVS experience
Bernatoniu school-kindergarten once already have been accredited by the National Agency (2 years ago), after we saw presentation about the EVS program made by Coordinating organization PANOIPC. Also during the time, we had to decide, if we ready to be hosting organization for the new volunteers, we had met some volunteers, observed their working style and possibilities in others shool-kindergartens. After accreditation, at the first time we had hosted 2 wonderful volunteers. We were very exited and happy to have these girls in our school-kindergarten. For now we have already have another 2 grate girls. They make a lot of positive changes and make the life in kindergarten more alive and open not only for teachers, but mostly the based making on kids (through non formal education).
After volunteers came kids started to be more active, open minded, spontaneous making art or dances, the wish to attend the school-kindergarten arise, that saw all working group of the school-kindergarten. Parents of the kids are also happy, that the new methods and atmosphere of the school-kindergarten came, kids started to talk more and more about the positive things they get. The social cultural life started to be more refreshed and open.
We, Bernatoniu school-kindergarten very happy having the possibility to host volunteers. As we are not big organization, volunteers can spread their positive feeling and to make their input and wishes in all organization.
We strongly believe that the life with volunteers make us (kids and teachers) more self confidence, open minded, breaking the stereotypes, active, flexible (working style) and would like to continue this program Youth in Action with volunteers.
Description of the organisation
Bernatoniai Kindergarten
Organization – Bernatoniai Kindergarten is 7 kilometres from Panevezys city. In our institution there are few groups of children: pre-school group in kindergarten ( the children age 1 to 4 year), the last year kindergarten children( age5 to 6 year), and primary school (1-4 forms). At the moment there are 56 children in total. There are 18 employees working in the kindergarten every day, 8 pedagogies and 5 workers.
The institution is under administrative responsibility of the municipality of Panevezys region – therefore it has it’s fixed place in the life of the community as well as in village life.
The opening hours of the kindergarten are from 6.45 a.m. – 18.45 p.m. during school holidays the opening hours are shortened.
Together with the children, we work on special subjects which are fixed each month, taking into consideration the different seasons, holidays or special interests of the children.
In the building on 2 floors there are located 5 groups rooms, washing rooms, small gym and a conference room as well as the kitchen. Outside around the building there is a playground with several climbing frames, sandbox etc. The children have a lot of space for moving and motor activities, detecting nature and to try things out.
A team of three people will be responsible for volunteer project in the organization. Youth leader from coordinating organisation will help in kindergarten with translation while planning volunteer’s work time at first months, also will encourage volunteer to express himself. One group teacher will be responsible for daily activities and director – for all volunteers time in organization and all his/her needs in his her working place.
Kindergarten staff knows Russian and backgrounds of English languages.
Contact Point
Organisation: VðÁ „Route-4”
Address: Kniaudiðkiø g. 46-8
Postal code: 37122
Town: Panevëþys
Country: Lithuania
E-mail: vsi.route4@gmail.com
Phone: +370 61216004
Contact: Zana Mamontova