A 2011. november 4. és 13. között Isztambulban megrendezendő amber’11 Művészeti és Technológiai Fesztivál szervezői pályázatot hirdetnek művészeknek a fesztiválon való részvételre. A fesztivál témája: Next ecology (A következő ökológia). A fesztivál ideje alatt, 2011. november 3. és 6. között konferenciát is rendeznek a témában, amelyre előadók jelentkezését várják.
Pályázati határidő: 2011. augusztus 10.
Bővebb információ: http://www.amberfestival.org/
amberFestival 2011
4-13 November 2011, Istanbul
call for artworks
deadline for submissions: 10th of August 2011
amberFestival is interested in interactive installations that explore the theme of “NEXT ECOLOGY” in today’s world.
We see the theme as a tool to think and work with, and the festival as an opportunity to raise an artistic voice. You alone will define that voice.
The works selected among the applications to this international call, will be exhibited at amber’11 Art and Technology Festival. We also encourage outdoor interactive installations………
Next Ecology
New technologies are far more important then ever before not only as a tool but primarily as a framework. By means of new technologies and with increasing acceleration we have changed the world in which we live in: we changed nature, we changed our environments, we changed our bodies. We have created a new and global habitat, which is different from where we started. On the one hand, we cannot return to the starting point where no technology rules. On the other hand, the current situation is not sustainable neither socially nor environmentally.
We have changed our environments and ourselves, but we have not understood the change that we have caused nor have we acknowledged the overall results and effects of these changes. Today we need to reconsider all the paradigms we rely on: nature, bodies, economics, politics, environment, and communication to name a few. In sum, we need a new framework.
The abnormal natural disasters, the global social problems, the antagonism between the consumption economy and energy resources, the revolutionary movements in Middle East and many other places on Earth designate the un-sustainability of the current stand and the need for a change. Examples such as these point to one thing: we must have a new conceptualization of ecology as the environment that we live in, which does not exist without today’s technology.
Taking ecology as a conceptual framework, which entails the relationships of the natural and artificial environments of mankind, we believe that we need a new holistic ecology which internalizes the transformative power and possibilities of technology and covers all aspects of possible relations among the living and non-living surroundings, from politics to love, from environments to health, from economics to media. We call this framework Next Ecology.
With the theme title Next Ecology, amber’11 calls on artists to interpret the life forms, production and consumption patterns and politics of Next Ecology from the vantage point of arts and technology.
Source: http://www.amberfestival.org/
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