Az ozorai Artcamp szervezői nyílt nemzetközi pályázatot hirdetnek a 2013-as Artcampon való részvételre művészek, alkotók számára.
The organisers of the Artcamp and Festival 2013 are very happy to invite you to participate as creators. If you have any ideas, contact us for consulting and orientation so we can help you develop your project. Please feel free to share the open call with your friends and potential applicants!
In the early spring of 2012 the Artcampers met in the fields of Ozora under the sky to find out where we are, how we can communicate with the landscape and each other. We sat around in the grass and did some exercises without any goals, simply to discover the open space.
The upcoming ideas and inspirations were discussed and developed to be realised in two weeks for the summer festival.
In this case installation is a community phenomenon. Installing art together into the life of a community, endeavoring to release creative energies. These inaugurations are mainly objective. They draw attention to themselves and thus the interaction induced by the audience is essential and are distinct elements of such creative processes.
It is important to know the landscape, to think about the numerous people who will populate it, to look deep in ourselves, to get into the mindset of creation and to share and visualise the thought.
The Artcamp – a safe haven for the artists – is a part of the Magic Garden, which is also a space for children and a playground, a family-like environment. The Magic Garden is also a place for sharing knowledge and for healing.
The Magic Garden itself is a creative community, it is better to create and to get involved in the joint creation than just to enjoy the completed artworks.
The artwork is for surprising and is a way of communication at the same time – its genre can be anything from architecture to performane – which changes and shapes the landscape, the vision and the sight.
Requirements of the artwork/installation (one or more of the following):
- it has to be implemented by hand with available (local) materials
- it has to involve its audience to fulfill an interactive role
- the artwork should appear as a performative element during the festival
- it should operate as an orientational point during the festival and appear as a landmark
- artists should consider how their work functions at night in the dark
Entries will be judged by the organisers of the festival and the artist of the 2012 Artcamp who will assist in the preparation and implementation of the artwork.
The artwork has to be built on the spot in the Artcamp between 21 July and 4 August 2013.
It is the artist’s personal responsibility that the artwork must withstand until the end of the festival (11 August 2013). For the upcoming Catalogue of 2013, the artists have to submit a detailed description of their finished artwork.
Application deadline: 31 May 2013
Please submit your application in .pdf format via email:
Entry requirements:
The artist’s portfolio
Detailed plan of the insallation/artwork with pictures or drawing or concept description
Financial plan (including manpower)
What we are providing for: regional transport, sustenance (food and accomodation – tent needed), materials and equipment
Materials at hand: construction wood waste, brick debris, metal scrap, raw wool (uncleaned), hay, straw, soil, willow (wicker), cone
For further information do not hesitate to contact us:
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