A Kínai Néphagyomány Fotóművészeti Szövetség az UNESCO védnökségével a korábbi évekhez hasonlóan 2011-ben is megrendezi Kínában a Humanity Photo Awards (HPA) fotóművészeti versenyt és az ahhoz kapcsolódó kiállítást. A versenyre mostantól egészen 2011. április 15-ig lehet jelentkezni a néphagyományok, népviseletek, népi építészet, hagyományos életformák stb. témakörökben készített fotókkal. A szervezők remélik, hogy a 2011-es versenynek is lesz magyar résztvevője. A korábbi évekhez képest jelentős újdonság, hogy erre a versenyre már csak az interneten keresztül, on-line módon lehet jelentkezni, a képeket is on-line kell feltölteni. Az 1998 óta megrendezésre kerülő versenyre eddig összesen 94 ország 8000 fotóművésze nevezett be több mint 100.000 fényképpel.
További részletes információk és jelentkezés a http://hpa2011.worldfpa.org honlapon.
To call upon responsible photographers who respect and love life to take their cameras, in the context of stories/portfolios:
To explore and rescue the endangered folk cultures of all the world’s nationalities by means of photography; to profoundly record the changes and evolution of various folk cultures in a genuine and vivid form;
To record, spread and share the multi-cultures of the world to enhance mutual understanding and exchanges of human beings and to promote the world peace and development;
To contribute to the World Folklore Photo Museum with world culture records.
Organized by
On-line Submission
Entries can only be submitted on-line.
Entrants must register on the website http://hpa2011.worldfpa.org and submit entries in accordance with relevant requirements.
Every entrant can choose different categories and is allowed to submitted no more than 3 entries. Stories/Portfolios entered must contain no less than 8 and no more than 12 images.
Personal information as well as images could be modified or replaced (registered e-mail excepted) during entry period.
Entry Period: September 16th, 2010-April 15th, 2011(Beijing Time)
Selection: By mid August, 2011, candidate works for the Nomination Awards and the Grand Awards of each category will be announced after two rounds of evaluation. On September 14th and 15th, 2011, the final evaluation will unveil the Grand Awards of the six categories. The results will be published by stages on the above mentioned website.
Award Ceremony: September 16th, 2011. Humanity Photo Grand Awards Jury’s Special Awards will be announced on the day of Award Ceremony. and
Premiere Exhibition: The premiere exhibition of the HPA 2011 -Memories of Mankind VII, which consists all the prized works (works win the Nomination Awards and the higher ones), will be held together with the final selection and the award ceremony at the same place and in the same period. Some of the prize-winning photographers may have their individual folklore photograph exhibitions at the same period.
The contest is based on picture stories/portfolios of between 8 to 12 images. Please enter into the following categories:
Portrait & Costume
Portraits of people from different nationalities; costumes and adornments featuring diverse ethnic cultures, including everyday dress, ceremonial dress, hats and shoes, adornments and hairstyle, etc; the make of costumes and adornments; distinctive attire customs such as dressing etiquette and taboos and so on.
Traditional dwellings, public facilities, special architecture (e.g. religious buildings) in terms of the construction process, structure, interior layout and furniture adornments of all kinds; the influence of the surroundings reflected on features of the local architecture; dwelling habits of different ethnic groups.
Living and Production Custom
The traditional ways of production and life, including everyday work, such as fishing, hunting, farming, forestry, animal husbandry, handicrafts industry, etc; business trade and transportation; living habits and ways of dieting as well as food making; comprehensive life customs in series, of a specific region, of a nationality or a tribe.
Annual and seasonal festivals; festivals on production and recreation, religious ceremonies, temple fairs and other traditional folk activities
Education, Recreation, Sports & Technology
Education, traditional ecology, folk science and technology, folk medicine and sanitation, folk crafts, traditional sports and recreational activities, and local dramas, etc.
Traditional Rites
Including birth, adult rite, wedding, funeral, taboo, worship, morality, respect for the old people, traditional etiquette, and traditional ceremony for individual, family, village or ethnic group, and religious rites.
Humanity Photo Grand Awards: 6 (one for each category)
Judging Criteria: The final prized work will be selected according to a comprehensive evaluation of its photographic technique, documentary value and the difficulty in photographing and can best reveal the mission of the HPA contest.
Prizes: a prize of US$2000; an award certificate;a book/CD-photo collection of the HPA 2011;an invitation to attend the award ceremony and the opening ceremony of the premiere exhibition of „Memories of Mankind VII”;transportation fee and a 3-9 days hotel accommodation;prized works to be put on the premiere exhibition
Humanity Photo Documentary Awards: 60
Prizes: an award certificate; a book/CD-photo collection of the HPA 2011; an invitation to attend the award ceremony and the opening ceremony of the premiere exhibition of „Memories of Mankind VII”; transportation fee and a 3-9 days hotel accommodation; prized works to be put on the premiere exhibition
In addition, photographs of Humanity Photo Documentary Awards will have the opportunities to win Jury’s Special Awards, including Detail-Focus Award, Best Story Award, Interview Skills Award, Photo Editing Award, Best Photo and Text Award, and Persevering Tracing Award. Each winner will receive photographic equipment or product which is equivalent to US$500.
Humanity Photo Nomination Awards: 100
Prizes: an award certificate; a book/CD-photo collection of the HPA 2011; an invitation to attend the award ceremony and the opening ceremony of the premiere exhibition of „Memories of Mankind VII”; a 3-9 days hotel accommodation; prized works to be put on the premiere exhibition
All the participants except the winners for Grand Awards, Documentary Awards and Nomination Awards will get Commemoration Certificates of the HPA 2011 officially stamped by the two organizers-the CFPA and the UNESCO and be invited to attend the award ceremony and the opening ceremony of the premiere exhibition. (Travel and accommodation expense will be at his/her own.) For those who are not able to attend the ceremony, the CFPA will provide electronic commemoration certificates for them to download and mail on request a book/CD-photo collection of the HPA 2011 contest at a discount charge.
Entry Rules (Please read carefully.)
- All entries should be submitted on-line. Please register on the website http://hpa2011.worldfpa.org, and submit images through this website.
- There are no restrictions on participants in terms of profession, gender, age, nationality, country and region.
- The images must be taken by the entrant him/ herself, otherwise the entrant will be deprived of the right to win the prizes in the contest.
- Images entered jointly by two or more than two participants will not be accepted.
- Please use only Chinese or English to fill in Entry Form. The entrant’s name in Entry Form should be in accordance with that in his/her valid identity certificate.
- All entrants will be regarded as those who accept the Articles of the HPA 2011. Any legal responsibility relating to entries, such as copyright, right of reputation and portrait, right of privacy, right of trade mark, etc. will be borne by the entrants.
- The contest is open to everyone except the members of the jury and staff of HPA 2011 Organizing Committee.
Candidate Works
- Photographs that have won prizes in previous HPA contests are excluded from the HPA 2011, other works are free to enter.
- There are no restrictions on the entries’ contents, e.g. country or nationality. (Entries can contain several ethnic groups in one country or one nationality living in different countries.)
- There is no time limit as to when the entries were taken. They can be taken on one occasion or over a period of time.
- Please specify the category that you would like the entry to be entered. The Organizer and judges are not responsible to re-categorize any entry.
- Stories/Portfolios should consist of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 images. Each entrant is allowed to submitted no more than 3 entries.
- Images must be uploaded as .jpg format and at least 2,500 pixels in short side.
- Only retouching which doesn’t alter the content of the image is allowed. All entries are prohibited from synthesis, addition, deletion and greatly color changes. Images with added borders, backgrounds or other effects will not beaccepted. To keep the records authentic, composite or splicing images and trick photographs will not be judged.
- Each entry should contain caption that truly depicts the content of the photos.
Declaration of the Organizer
- No entry fee for this contest.
- To guarantee the fairness of the HPA 2011, personal information should not be shown on any place of the photo nor the caption text. Otherwise the entry will not be judged.
- The Organizer has the right to repeatedly use entries submitted for the contest in related non-commercial activities, including publications, exhibitions, TV programs, internet, electronic media, etc. and without remuneration to the entrants and the Organizer reserve the right to do probable editing of the entries.
- Entries must have been submitted by April 15th, 2011 at the appointed website. (The date when the works are completely submitted is the deemed arrival date.)
- CFPA reserves the right of final interpretation of this contest.
Contact Information
Address: Room 315, North Building, No.1 Liupukang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 100120, China.
Tel.: +86 10 62252175
Fax: +86 10 62252175
E-mail: hpa@worldfpa.org
Forrás: http://hpa2011.worldfpa.org
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