The Artists-in-Residence programme of tranzit and ERSTE Foundation at quartier21/MuseumsQuartier is launched again! This programme provides young artists from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic with a guest studio and the opportunity to live and work in Vienna for the period of two months. The residencies are designed for artists, curators and theoreticians working in the field of contemporary art.
Deadline for submission: 31st of October 2012
Selected participants will be notified latest until end of November 2012
For more information on the programme and the application process, click here.
Tranzit is a network of five independent, non-profit organisations in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic. Since 2002 tranzit has been developing artistic and cultural activities with a critical approach, fostering a permanent dialectic between local and global culture. ERSTE Foundation is the main partner of tranzit and also provides financing for the Artists-in-Residence programme.
Tranzit is a network of five independent, non-profit organisations in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic. Since 2002 tranzit has been developing artistic and cultural activities with a critical approach, fostering a permanent dialectic between local and global culture.
The Artists-in-Residence programme at quartier21/MuseumsQuartier is part of this endeavour and provides young artists from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic with a guest studio and the opportunity to live and work in Vienna for the period of two months.
ERSTE Foundation is the main partner of tranzit and also provides financing for the Artists-in-Residence programme. tranzit is responsible for selecting the artists.
The residencies are designed for artists, curators and theoreticians working in the field of contemporary art.
Each residence consists of:
- a monthly stipend of 1050 EUR
- a studio space to live and work in the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna
Applications must include:
- Letter of intent – explaining why you apply and what you expect. What would you like to focus on during the residence (max. 5000 characters)
- Portfolio – documentation of work (website link if available)
- Brief informative curriculum vitae (max. 1 page)
- Full contact information: name, address, phone, email, website
Please send applications in English and in digital form. We can accept only.doc/.docx/.pdf. (not more than 3 attachments, not more than 6 mb in total) with subject „MQ AiR 2013” to:
for Slovak Republic (February – March):
for Hungary (April – May / June – July):
for Romania (August – September):
for Czech Republic (October – November)
Deadline for submission: 31st of October 2012
Selected participant will be notified latest until end of November 2012
For further questions please contact Isabella Kresse,
External Links
ERSTE Foundation
Museumsquartier Wien
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