Alternatív energiaforrásokat felhasználó fényszobrászati munkák létrehozására írt ki pályázatot Bruck an der Leitha osztrák város.
Pályázati határidő: 2011. március 31.
City Bruck GmbH invites young contemporary artists to participate in the program emerging young artists; take pART, be contemporary, that will open in Fall with the project heART of the CITY. The project offers residencies within the section Night and its Light (curator Romelo Pervolovici – 2META), which aims to result in light sculpture-type projects, using alternative sources of energy.
A total number of 10 residencies in Bruck an der Leitha (Niederosterreich, Austria) are offered for a period of 2 weeks, starting with September 12, 2011. Artists’ selected proposals will be shown to the public in June 2012.
„In a first phase, Bruck an der Leitha will accommodate artists in 2-week residencies. On the one hand, the artists will come in direct contact with the city, its history, public space, the local contemporary imprint; on the other hand, the public community in bruck an der Leitha will familiarize with the contemporary artistic practices.
At the end of the residency, the artists will exhibit the drafts for the next step of the project, due to take place in June 2012, when Bruck and der Leitha will come to life in the stream of light generated by sculptures placed in familiar urban spaces: streets, squares, buildings, etc. Rediscovering angles and perspectives that are unknown, hidden, and the emphasis placed on the latent beauty of the city will be made possible by the fascinating experience of light and the contemporary artistic practices.
(…) The artworks can include, alongside light as a medium, movement, interactivity, spatial instalations, color, optical illusion. Gilbert Durand’s „nocturnal order of the image” will not be the only one to magnify the imaginary of the invited artists”.
Submit for selection
All those interested must send their application (digital format) by March 31st to the address, in the attention of Mr. Romelo Pervolovici – curator (2META), with the mention „project heART of the CITY”.
The 10 residencies are distributed as follows: 5 residencies during September 12 –25, 2011, and 5 during October 3– 16, 2011.
Required documentation
- a visual selection of the most representative works in a digital format
- artist’s statement
- up-to-date curriculum vitae
- contact details
Fees and expenses
Each selected participant will be granted the amount of 500 EUR, plus accommodation, travel expenses, lunch.
No application fee required.
Deadline: The deadline for receiving the applications is March 31, 2011. The final list of participants will be published by April 10.
Contact details:
Ana-Maria Dragnea (for Romelo Pervolovici)
+40 771 602 658
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