23. Design Biennálé – nemzetközi kiállítását és a BIO Design Díj (Szlovénia). Az idén elfogadott téma: Design Kapcsolatok. A kiállítók online bejelentkezésének határideje: 2012. február 6 és március 30 között.
The curators of 23rd Biennial of Design are Margo Konings and Margriet Vollenberg of the studio Organisation in Design. The theme they have chosen for the exhibition is Design Relations. The curators will select the works to be exhibited among the entries received on international Call for Entries.
Design Relations
How are designers and the works they create influenced by modern technologies, digitalisation and globalisation? And how is design evolving?
Contemporary designers seem to embrace the resourcefulness of nature and its processes, while they also display an amazing capability to use technology. Their explorations not only lead them to commercial products but also help them to better address cultural, social and emotional questions.
BIO 23 will show fresh new ideas and explore how design relates to the social, the sustainable, and the cultural, while displaying crossovers between culture and commerce, crafts and industry.
The Biennial of Design (or BIO, from its Slovene acronym) is an international design exhibition that, through its selection of well-designed works and emphasis on quality, originality, and innovation, presents current trends in contemporary design. From among the works exhibited at the biennial the awards are bestowen by prestigious international jury for the best designs of the past two years.
With a tradition of 48 years, BIO is one of the world’s oldest international design events. The organiser of the biennial is the Museum of Architecture and Design.
About Biennial
The Biennial of Design (known also by its Slovene acronym BIO) is one of the few major international design exhibitions that has a tradition of more than forty-eight years of presenting contemporary trends in international design. From the first biennial in 1964 to today, BIO has presented twenty-two exhibitions surveying the state of international design. The organiser of the biennial is Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO).
BIO exhibitions are recognized by careful selections made by respected international experts and prominent awards given for the best design made or conceived in last two years. Award-winners are chosen by international jury and announced on the evening of the opening ceremony. Exhibited works are selected among the entries received on international call for entries and are presented in BIO catalogues ».
BIO 23 Awards
The awards given at BIO represent a recognition of quality in design. They are given in accordance with professional standards set by the organiser – The Museum of Architecture and Design – and the international design experts who constitute the jury.
BIO 23 jury members are: Giulio Cappellini, Sven Jonke, Sophie Lovell, Jimmy MacDonald and Vasa J. Perović. The BIO 23 jury will convene in Museum of Architecture and Design on 24–25 September 2012.
The awards will be given at the opening of the biennial in Museum of Architecture and Design, on 27th September 2012 in categories:
- BIO Gold Medal
- BIO Honourable mentions
- BIO Green Award
- Award for a Student Work
The winner of the BIO Gold Medal will receive a monetary prize in the amount of €5,000.
Entry Submissions
Period for Submissions: 6 February–30 March 2012
Rules for Participation in the 23rd Biennial of Design (.pdf>>)
The Biennial of Design (or BIO, from its Slovene acronym) is an international design exhibition that, through its selection of well-designed works and emphasis on quality, originality, and innovation, presents current trends in contemporary design. The exhibited works are eligible to receive the Biennial’s awards for the best designs of the past two years.
With a tradition of 48 years, BIO is one of the world’s oldest international design events. With the publication of these Rules for Participation, the Organiser of the Biennial, the Museum of Architecture and Design, is inviting submissions for the 23rd Biennial of Design. At the same time we are announcing the appointment of Margriet Vollenberg and Margo Konings, from the studio Organisation in Design, as the curators of BIO 23. The curators have decided on the theme for BIO 23, namely, “Design Relations”, and they will select the works to be exhibited. In making their selection, they will be guided by the criteria of functionality, sustainability, commercial viability, cultural significance, social importance, the concept of the work, the use of materials, the production process, and aesthetics.
The Theme of BIO 23 – Design Relations
How are designers and the works they create influenced by modern technologies, digitalisation and globalisation? And how is design evolving? Contemporary designers seem to embrace the resourcefulness of nature and its processes, while they also display an amazing capability to use technology. Their explorations not only lead them to commercial products but also help them to better address cultural, social and emotional questions.
BIO 23 will show fresh new ideas and explore how design relates to the social, the sustainable, and the cultural, while displaying crossovers between culture and commerce, crafts and industry.
Conditions for Participation
Applicants may be designers, commissioners, manufacturers, academic tutors, or students, who are involved in the creation of the submitted work, as well as BIO’s partner organisations, provided they do so with the consent of the author of the work or concept. To be eligible for submission, finished works must not have been in production or, for the submission of design concepts, must not have been conceived, before 1 January 2010.
Eligible disciplines from which works may be submitted are: product design, industrial design, environmental design, communications design, transport design, spatial design, social design, experimental design, and others. Either finished design works or design concepts may be submitted from these fields.
Entry Procedure
Entries for BIO 23 will be accepted between 6 February and 30 March 2012.
Entries may be submitted via the BIO website: www.bio.si, with the entry fee paid via the website at the same time. This method is simple, fast and reliable.
Only one work may be submitted per entry form except when submitting a series of items, in which case this must be clearly stated in the entry form.
The Museum of Architecture and Design must receive all completed entry documentation, as well as the entry fee payment, by 30 March 2012, the deadline for entries.
Required Documentation for Entries
- The completed entry form. (Please note that there are separate entry forms for finished works/products and design concepts/prototypes.)
- Three digital photographs with a resolution suitable for catalogue publication (JPG format, with the longer side measuring at least 23 cm, resolution 300 dpi at 1 : 1 size).
- If considered necessary for the presentation of the work, the following may be included: scanned sketches of the work, digital photographs of the process of the making of the work, digital photographs of the work in use. (Please note that it is not possible to send more than five images of this kind.)
- A presentation text (of no more than 500 characters) in English. The text should describe the characteristic features and unique aspects of the work as well as its advantages in comparison with other works of a similar nature.
Please note: All entry documentation must be in English.
Entry Fee
The entry fee is €80. Applicants who have received previous BIO awards are entitled to a 50 percent discount on the entry. The entry fee for students is €20.
The entry fee may be paid in either of the following ways:
- Via the website: Upon payment on the website (www.bio.si), applicants will receive a confirmation notice by e-mail and an official invoice by post. Online payment is fast, secure, and reliable.
- Via bank transfer: When paying through a bank transfer, the following information must be included:
For payments from within Slovenia:
Recipient: Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje
Pot na Fužine 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana
TR: 01100-6000034749
For payments from outside Slovenia:
Recipient: Museum of Architecture and Design
Pot na Fužine 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana
IBAN code: SI5601100-6000034749
Applicants eligible for the discount (previous BIO award recipients) who are paying their entry fee via bank transfer should include the word “discount” on the “purpose of payment” line on the payment order. The entry fee is non-commercial and is intended to cover the administrative costs involved in handling the entry applications.
Information: The Museum of Architecture and Design, www.bio.si, bio@mao.si +386 1 548 42 83, +386 31 723 441