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Bologna város logótervezési és brand pályázata – Bologna City Branding Competition

Bologna város nemzetközi ötletpályázatot írt ki logójának és a város arculati koordinátáinak megtervezésére. Pályázhatnak grafikai vagy kommunikációs ágazatában dolgozó friss diplomások vagy design/reklám-, kommunikációs szakos hallgatók. A kiválasztott logó alkotója 14.000 Eurót, a második helyezett 6000 és a harmadik helyezett 4000 eurót kap. Beküldési határidő. 2013 október 16.

The international competition to design the logo and payoff for the city of Bologna is underway – There is time until 16 October to submit proposals.

The Bologna City Branding Project coordinated by Urban Center Bologna, after having conducted thorough research on the perceived and desired image of the city now launches of an international competition for ideas to create a logo and a payoff for the city of Bologna.
The competition, promoted by Bologna City Council, is organised by Urban Center Bologna and AIAP (the Italian Association of visual communication design) with the partnership of Unicredit.

The aim of the competition for ideas is to find a logo that represents all the special features and elements that make up the face of the city as they emerged from the “Bologna City Branding” study carried out in recent months: an open and creative city, where you can enjoy authentic experiences.

The chosen logo must be accompanied by a payoff where the communicative intentions offered by the logo take shape in verbal form.

The deadline for delivery of submissions is fixed for 12.00 midday, 16 October 2013
The winning entry will be announced no later than 30 November 2013.

Documents for the competition:


The competition for ideas is international, and is open to professionals in the graphic design and communications sectors, but also new graduates and/or diploma students in Design, Communications and Advertising.

Thanks to the partnership with  it will be possible to award the creator of the winning logo and payoff a prize of 14,000 Euro, while the second and third place winners will be awarded prizes of 6,000 and 4,000 euro, respectively.
The partnership with UniCredit will also allow the promotion of local, national and international initiatives to present the new logo of the city of Bologna, winner of the competition.

The Organisational Staff for the Bologna City Branding competition is based at Urban Center Bologna.

Contacts: – ph.+39 051 2194855

Web:  Bologna City Branding Competition