CEEweb announces a call for an expertise to assess how far National Tourism Development Strategies in Central and Eastern Europe fulfill the criteria for sustainable development of tourism with fulfilling of (a) Compilation of four assessments from Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia on National Tourism Development Strategies & (b) Revision of the already existing three CEE assessments from Poland, Romania and Ukraine on National Tourism Development Strategies.
This is done in light of the EU biodiversity policies and the Agenda for a Sustainable and Competitive European Tourism. The assessment will need to be elaborated by using the methodology developed by CEEweb and the criteria, which are based on the following three major documents: the Agenda for a Sustainable and Competitive European Tourism, the European Union Biodiversity Policies and International Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The assessment methodology can be found here.
Target audience for this analysis includes: policy makers, governments at national and local level, as well as, managers. Therefore, the purpose of the assessment is twofold: (1) to provide countries with constructive feedback on the national tourism strategy linkage between tourism and biodiversity protection, which could be used to further improve these strategies, and (2) to informCentral and Eastern European NGOs and decision makers on the subject.
Deadline for assessment: 15th of December, 2013
Roles and Responsibilities of Participating Organizations:
Roles and Responsibilities | Deadline |
20October, 2013 |
20October – 3 November, 2013 |
1 December, 2013 |
15 December, 2013 |
Requirements of Participating Organizations:
- Knowledge and experience in the tourism and environmental sectors
- Knowledge and understanding about sustainable tourism and biodiversity terms
- Ability to make the assessment of a National Tourism Development Strategy
- Ability to contact relevant ministries or institutions (Tourism, Environment, Economics, Agriculture and etc.) in a country
- Fluency in English in speech and writing
- Assurance of functioning office (computer, phone, internet connection, etc.)
- Availability of at least five days each month, until December 2013
CEEweb Provides:
- Team coaching
- Assessment methodology and criteria
- Reimbursement and compensation upon request possible, but only to a limited extend
Please send the application, description of organization’s resources (1/2 page) and specialist biography on core knowledge and experience (max 1 page), as well as, the offer (number of hours needed to complete the task) till 4th of October, 2013 to the address listed below. Answer will be given by CEEweb till 11th of October, 2012.
Contact Details:
CEEweb for Biodiversity
Ökologischer Tourismus in Europa (Ö.T.E.) e.V. (Ecological Tourism in Europe E.T.E.)
Mr. Michael Meyer
Koblenzer Str. 65, 53173 Bonn
tel.: +49 228 35 90 08 fax: +49 228 92 399 356 E-Mail: bed.eteo@reyem.m Internet: www.oete.de
Oddział Akademicki PTTK w Krakowie (Academic Section of PTTK in Krakow)
Ms. Katarzyna Sliwa
ul. Radziwillowska 21/4, 31-026 Krakow
tel.:+48 12 422 70 03 fax: +48 12 423 16 97
E-Mail: moc.liamg@awils.d.anyzratak Internet: http://oakrakow.pttk.pl
Fore more information: www.ceeweb.org
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