Creative Encounters: Cultural Partnerships between Asia and Europe is an initiative that aims to support collaborative artistic and networking projects in the framework of the Asia-Europe dialogue. Art and culture organisations and networks of Asia and Europe are invited to apply.
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Arts Network Asia (ANA) and the European network Trans Europe Halles (TEH), will jointly promote this initiative for projects taking place between 1 October 2012 and 30 September 2013.
The submission deadline is 30 June 2012.
ASEF, ANA and TEH have maintained active roles in fostering connectivity and engagement across cultures through artistic collaborations, exchanges and dialogues.
Through this programme they aim to reinforce Asia-Europe exchanges with the objective of deepening mutual understanding between cultural communities in the two regions.
ASEF, ANA and TEH encourage organisations to submit multilateral projects that engage as many partners and participants from ASEM countries (Asia Europe Meeting) to reflect diversity between the two regions.
This initiative includes the following as criteria for consideration:
- Artistic/creative projects and networks that facilitate collaboration, dialogue and exchanges between Asia and Europe
- Networking projects that offer networking opportunities, encourage initiative of collaborative projects, platform for sharing common network’s interests and benefit for greater public.
- Projects in any discipline of contemporary arts (e.g. performing arts, visual arts, literary arts, film, new media) or cross-disciplinary projects
- Projects that engage as many partners and participants from ASEM countries (Asia Europe Meeting)
- The content should reflect the cultural diversity of Asia and Europe with the aim of showing different perspectives from the two regions
- Generate an artistic outcome with and outreach to public through public components (e.g. performances, exhibitions, training modules, toolkits, new curatorial strategies, new / improved methodologies of working)
- Projects are required to be sustainable and this grant does not provide seed funding or operational grants.
- Proposed jointly by a minimum of 2 partner organisations in Asia and Europe, one partner from each region
- Applicants should be from ASEM countries
- Projects should take place in ASEM countries.
The support for each project will be up to SGD 25,000. Selected projects are expected to secure additional funding, sponsorship or in-kind contribution from other partners or sponsors.
Creative Encounters 2012-2013 Call for Proposals
Initial project proposal MUST be submitted in English through ANA website ( by 30 June 2012. (6pm Singapore time)
Important: Please include “Creative Encounters/<<Your Project Name>>” in the Name of Project field in the online application form. Any project proposals that exceed the word limit will not be considered.
The initial proposal should include information on the concept, content and objectives of the project. Please download dedicated application form on the ANA website.
If there are any problems encountered in the online application or if you are unable to online due to the specific contexts of your city, please contact mervyn[at] or taytong[at]
Subsequently, shortlisted applicants will be asked to submit a full proposal. This full proposal including details of projects’ budget and communication plan will be submitted on or before 31 August 2012. Successful applications will be informed by 28 September 2012.
Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be notified.
For further information, you may communicate with Tay Tong, ANA Director at taytong[at]
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