”Design by…”. A pályázaton indulhatnak iskolások, egyetemi hallgatók és fiatal tervezők a régió országaiból; bútor, textil és kerámia kategóriában, építve az adott nemzet hagyományaira, jellegzetességeire.
A jelentkezés határideje: 2012. május 7.
A pályamunkák beszállítási határideje: 2012. augusztus 10.
Many regions, which are currently the most influential design centres in Europe, focus their development strategies around the regional identity expressed in regional industry, technical ideas, culture and traditions. Great examples of the effective use of local resources are Brabant and Lombardy. The Wielkopolska region follows these two role models by building its position based on local strengths being, among others, the furniture industry closely linked with the design industry, schools of human sciences, academies of fine arts, designers, organisers of cultural activities and local self-government institutions.
Support for the design industry through the education and the transfer of knowledge, including through the international conferences and competitions, is necessary in our quest to find the identity of the “new Europe”. Building on the national cultural diversity is a way to rescue it from oblivion.
The young European designers definitely use this heritage in their design works. It is a positive manifestation of their independent attempt to find their identity. To achieve this purpose the creative generation of the young designers uses many different means of communication and more and more sophisticated technological tools.
The “Design by …” competition opens a way to know and to promote the design potential and achievements of the East-Central and the East-Southern Europe.
The competition will promote those European regions which both preserve the regional identity and remain open to the changing world outside.
- The First Prize –5.000 EUR
- The Second Prize – 3.000 EUR
- The Third Prize – 2.000 EUR
The Competition Organiser may award special prizes established by the Sponsors. In case of prizes being awarded to design teams, such prizes shall not be multiplied.
The Prizes will be paid by the Competition Organiser to the winners’ bank accounts within 30 days from the Competition Jury’s decision and the announcement of the Competition results.
The tax on prizes is paid by the Competition Organiser.
The awarded products and the Competition winners will be promoted in the Polish-English Competition Catalogue and on the Competition Internet site www.iw.org.pl
Competition Schedule
- 16 January 2012 – opening of the Competition
- 7 May 2012 – end date for delivery of applications
- 10 August 2012 – end date for delivery of the Competition works
- 30/31 August 2012 – Competition Jury deliberations
- 24 – 27 September 2012 – Award Ceremony and Exhibition at the World Innovation Days in Poznan/Poland
The Competition Organiser may change the above dates; in such case, it shall correspondingly inform the Participants via e-mail.
- Mrs Katarzyna Wicher-Lambryczak; e-mail: katarzyna.wicher-lambryczak @ umww.pl
- Ms Aleksandra Wiatr; e-mail: aleksandra.wiatr @ umww.pl
Phone number: +48 61 62 66 240
Fax number: +48 61 62 66 241
Correspondence address: | Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region Department of Economy Ul. Przemysłowa 46 61-541 Poznań POLAND With annotation „Design by…” |
Web: http://www.iw.org.p
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