Young Cinema Foundation announces the call for entries for the Euroshorts 2012 Film Festival Poster Contest.
Professional designers and art school students can submit their work.
The Euroshorts 2012 Film Festival poster should be the B1 format (70×100 cm) and should be designed for printing in CMYK colors.
Euroshorts is the european festival of short films. It was created 21 years ago (first edition was in 1992). The Festival starts in Gdansk in November at the Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, then it reaches 15 other cities of Poland. The Festival does not have a big budget, but it has a large audience, unique atmosphere and it is totally independent. The event has two parts: the Non-Commercial Zone and the Creative Commercials Zone. The Festival’s idea in 2012 is „Euroshorts 2007 – Films You Have To See”.
Deadline for entries is September 20th, 2012. There will be a complex award for the winning poster: publication of the poster, promotion of the author’s work as a part of the Festival events and the 1000 Polish Zlotys. If no project would get the attention of the Jury, the award will not be given.
The Jury will consist of the filmmakers, graphic designers and the critics of art, cooperating with the Young Cinema Foundation.
Send your designs in the form of .jpeg files, along with the short note about the author, to the following address: The designer whose work would get an award will be asked to prepare the poster for the offset printing.
Contact: Young Cinema Foundation, +48 507 014 857.
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