The impact of corruption on our communities cannot be accurately conveyed in numbers or reports. To understand how it affects the lives of people, we must listen to their voices.
Fair Play is a global competition for original songs by young bands (18-35 years) on the theme of anti-corruption. Bands are invited to enter the 3rd edition by submitting their anti-corruption music videos online from 24 April to 24 July 2012. The 3 winning bands will win a trip to Brazil to participate in the 3rd GYAC Voices Against Corruption Forum and perform live in Brasilia!
Fair Play is an awareness-raising program and network building effort to connect socially conscious artists and citizens worldwide, brought to you by the JMI Foundation, the World Bank Institute and the Global Youth Anti-Corruption Youth Network.
The 3rd edition of Fair Play is now open! Artists are invited to submit their anti-corruption videos to the Fair Play website until 24 July 2012. See the Terms & Conditions for all the info.
Fair Play is a global music video competition for original songs by young bands (18-35 years) on the theme of anti-corruption.
The 3 winning bands will win a trip to Brazil to participate in the 3rd GYAC Voices Against Corruption Forum and perform live in Brasilia at the 15th International Anti-Corruption Conference!
Through the first two editions, Fair Play has contributed to the global fight against corruption by engaging artists from over 50 countries as ambassadors for the anti-corruption movement, presenting Fair Play Live & Direct concerts in Brussels (2010) and Nairobi (2011), and delivering a global call to action to governments, businesses, and citizens alike to join in tackling corruption. The 2012 edition provides an opportunity for more artists to contribute their voice to the global campaign, to raise awareness and communicate the impacts of corruption in their communities to the global network of Fair Play supporters.
Fair Play is proud to announce Blitz the Ambassador (Ghana/USA), Natalia Pa’apa’a (Australia), Comrade Fatso (Zimbabwe), Tamer Abu Ghazaleh (Palestine/Egypt), Shivani Ahlowalia (USA), and Attallah Toussy (Egypt) as Fair Play 2012 ambassadors and jury members.
JMI Foundation
Rue Defacqz 1
1000 Brussels
t. +32 2 513 97 74
f. +32 2 514 47 55
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