Ha aktívan foglalkozol újságírással, érdekelnek a szociálisan sebezhető csoportok jogai, a küzdelem a diszkrimináció ellen, ha új tudásra és tapasztalatokra vágysz, ez a felhívás neked is szól! Az ingyenes képzési program célja, hogy az újságírók felismerjék és megfelelően tudják kezelni a diszkriminációt, a gyűlöletbeszédet és a sztereotípiákat!
A képzés az „Address of Human Rights – Journalism” projekt részeként valósul meg, és Litvániában kerül megrendezésre 2013. október 10. és 13. között.
A felmerülő költségeket a szervezők fedezik.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2013. szeptember 22.
További információk:
Call for journalists to apply for training course on hate speech & minority rights
Dates: 10-13 October 2013
Deadline to apply: 22 September 2013
Country: Lithuania
This free training programme aims to enable journalists to recognise discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes, and to learn how to adequately deal with them.
The training is part of the project ‘’Address of Human Rights –Journalism”. It will take place in Anupriškių k. 2, Lithuania between 10th and 13th of October 2013.
The training is aimed at journalists who believe that there is no place for racism, xenophobia or hatred in the media. It will bring together 30 journalists from several European countries and will be led by well-established human rights and journalism experts.
All costs will be covered by the organizers.
The training programme is based on a methodology that allows clear identification of barriers, encourages one to work on essential skills and transfer knowledge into action. The unique blend of teaching methods and experience of training experts aims to enable participants to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and insights gained in training to daily work practices when addressing rights of socially vulnerable groups. The training will also include simulation exercise on the issues of ethnical minorities and migrants.In order to implement the knowledge gained at the course, there will be journalist campaign launched just after the training.
All participants will be invited to conduct investigations on issues related to vulnerable groups.
The articles will be published on Media4Change international web-based platform for journalists, topic experts and socially vulnerable groups.If you are regularly working as a journalist, wish to exchange experience and acquire new knowledge, are interested in the right of socially vulnerable groups to be free from discrimination, you can easily communicate and express yourself in English and are a citizen of an EU country or EU candidate country you are eligible for this training.
To apply please:
Send an email to ivana.jelaca@media-diversity.org expressing your interest in attending the course.
Complete and send the attached application form together with your CV toivana.jelaca@media-diversity.org by the end of 22 September 2013.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailingivana.jelaca@media-diversity.org .
Link: Call for journalists to apply for training course on hate speech & minority rights
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