Firenze Város Tanácsa fotópályázatot hirdet két témában (aktív időskor, az idősek és a sport) az európai évhez kapcsolódóan a fenti címmel. A fotókat egy 150 szavas angol nyelvű esszével együtt kell beküldeni február 16-ig.
2012 is the European year dedicated to the active ageing: a chance for all of us to reflect on how Europeans are living longer and staying healthier than ever before — and to realise the opportunities that represents. So, our office and the Servizio Sport of the Florence City Council dedicated to this topic the 5th edition of the Photo contest Imago Europae, this year called “Formula Anti-Ageing“.
Moreover, in recognition of the Initiative “Firenze European city of sport 2012”, the organising team has established 2 different sections:
- Section “Active ageing”
- Section “Sport and the elderly”
The main objective of the contest is to promote opportunities for active ageing in general and for living independently, acting in areas as diverse as employment, health care, social services, adult learning, volunteering, housing, IT services or transport. The sport will have a special section, in order to underline its role in the activities for elderly people.
How to participate: Fill in the application form including a photo short explanation (maximum 150 words) in Italian or English and send it together with the photo by e-mail to no later than 16th of February 2012.
Prizes for the Competition:
- Prize of the Technical Jury: iPad, Computer tablet from Apple;
- Prize of the Popular Jury: iPad, Computer tablet from Apple.
Read the Regulation and the Application form
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