This year, up to five highly prestigious full scholarships, worth £25,000 each, will be awarded to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee; celebrate the true spirit of British business and mark Henley Business School’s contribution to developing leaders across the globe. The scholarships are jointly funded by the business school and organisations that Henley works in partnership with.
The chosen Henley Diamond Jubilee Scholars will:
- Have the £25,000 fee paid in full
- Have their essays published on both the Henley Business School website and in the Henley Business School Diamond Jubilee Journal
- Attend a networking and presentation event with key alumni and corporate contacts.
Applying for a Henley Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Scholarships are open to applicants from around the world who have received an offer for the Full- time MBA programme and who can demonstrate:
- Academic Excellence (as evidenced by a first class degree and/or standing in the top 20% of your graduating class).
And at least one of the following:
- Commitment to the community – evidenced, for example, by volunteering, fundraising or other social enterprise activity
- Entrepreneurial flair – evidenced, for example, by starting a new business, designing a new successful product or service
- Leadership skill – evidenced, for example, by chairing/leading a project/working group, appointed to a leadership role at university or work.
Applications for the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship must be received by 28 May 2012, 24:00 hrs UK time (GMT +1hr).
Suitability and essay submission
Applicants must:
- Provide a one page (500 words) overview of their suitability, based on the above criteria
- Prepare an essay (1000 words) addressing their ideas on the key leadership challenges for the next decade in the face of changing social, technological and economic challenges.
- Apply for free today Simply apply for a Henley Full-time MBA.
When you receive your offer, you will then be sent an application form to apply for one of these prestigious Henley Diamond Jubilee Scholarships.
Register your interest in Henley Diamond Jubilee Scholarships.
Your application for a Scholarship will not be considered unless you have an offer for the Full-time MBA programme, September 2012 intake.
Note: that for 2012 there will be no cost incurred for Henley Diamond Jubilee Scholarship applications received.
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