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Korea 2013 videópályázat

A Koreai Köztársaság Külügyminisztériuma nemzetközi videópályázatot hirdet Koreáról.  A verseny  nagy díja egy koreai márkájú autó, az első helyezett egy koreai márkájú laptopot, a harmadik helyezett egy koreai márkájú tablet-et és a bronzdíjas egy koreai márkájú digitális kamerát nyer. A pályázatok beérkezési határideje: 2013 augusztus 9. 18.00 óra .


korea video contest pályázat

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and Arirang TV are holding a video contest about Korea.

Of the three topics below, please select one to make a 3-minute-long video clip and share your experiences, impressions and anything else you wish to show.

The Grand Prize winner will be awarded a Korean brand car.

Open to anyone of any age that is not of Korean descent

  • Please note that this contest is intended to increase our understanding of non-Korean perceptions of Korea, and Korean nationals overseas and those of Korean descent are not eligible for this contest.


Title Topic
My best Korean friend (neighbor, teacher, colleague or anyone else) is … Please introduce your best Korean friend (neighbor, teacher, colleague and anyone else) and tell us how he/she has made such a good impression. Please share the good influence this person has had on your life
My favorite Korean food is … Please introduce your favorite Korean food and tell us why it is your favorite. In addition, please share any experience you may have with cooking it or if you have your own special recipe.

Application Deadline:  August 9, 2013, 18:00 Korean Local time


  • First, select only one topic and make a video no longer than 3 minutes. (The video may be made with any device, such as a cellphone, digital camera, video camera, or any other digital device.)
  • Second, upload the video on YouTube or any other legal video-sharing website.
  • Third, fill in the application form and send it to

The application form can be downloaded at the homepage of the Korean Foreign Ministry in Seoul ( or your nearest Korean Embassy or Consulate.

  • English or Korean submissions are preferred. However, if the language is not in Korean or English, submit a complete description written in Korean or English, along with the application form.



Ten Prizes will be awarded.

Prize Number of winners Award
Grand Prize 1 Korean brand car
Gold Prize 2 Korean brand laptop PC
Silver Prize 3 Korean brand tablet PC
Bronze Prize 4 Korean brand digital camera

Results will be announced on September 30, 2013 and notified individually. This may be delayed if the screening process takes longer than expected.

 Web: 2013 Video Contest about Korea