Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Önkénteseket vár a Gasworks (London)

A londoni Gasworks önkénteseket vár koordinátori és programszervezői részvétellel. A munka 2-3 nap/hét. Az önkéntesség ideje: 3 hónap, 2013 szeptember 30-tól kezdve. A Gázgyár az utazás és ebéd költségeit fedezi és csekély juttatást biztosít az önkéntes számára. Jelentkezési határidő: 2013 szeptember 23. 10.00 óra.


Participation Volunteer opportunity at Gasworks. 
Gasworks is looking for a passionate/enthusiastic volunteer to work alongside the Participation Coordinator on all aspects of our Participation Programme.

In this role the Participation Volunteer will gain valuable skills and knowledge through their involvement in the delivery of Even Better Together; a diverse range of ongoing projects that work with Gasworks’ local audiences and artists. The Volunteer will also help facilitate other one-off outreach projects, gaining experience in all areas of project coordination from planning and development to delivery and evaluation.

To download the information pack please click here.

Placement duration: 
This voluntary role is for 2 – 3 days per week. The duration of the placement will be three months, beginning the week commencing Monday 30 September 2013.

Expenses: Gasworks can reimburse travel/lunch expenses up to a certain amount

To apply for this opportunity please send a cover letter and CV by email to or by post to:

155 Vauxhall Street
SE11 5RH

Deadline for all applications: Monday 23 September 2013, 10am
Interview date: Thursday 26 September, please keep this day free if you intend to apply.
Start date: w/c 30 September 2013


Link: Participation Volunteer opportunity at Gasworks