A Sony meghirdette 2014. évi nemzetközi fotópályázatát. A pályázatra amatőr és hivatásos fotósok képeit várják. A pályázat nyitott a diákok számára is. A hivatásos fotósok 15, az „Open” pályázók 10 kategóriában nevezhetnek. A fődíj 25.000 USD, az „Open” kategória díja 5000 USD. Beadási határidők: (1) hivatásos fotósok: 2014 január 9., az „Open” kategóriában 20 évnél fiatalabbi fotósok esetén 2014. január 6., a „Student Focus” kategóriában a 18-30 év közötti fotósok 2013. december 6-ig küldhetik be képeiket.
The 2014 Sony World Photography Awards, organised by the World Photography Organisation, opens for entries today. Professional, amateur, youth and student photographers from across the world can enter their best work for free here. Photographers will compete for a range of cash prizes and the latest digital imaging equipment from Sony. Overall winners will be announced in London on 30 April 2014.
Since its launch in 2007, over 555,000 images from 230 countries have been submitted to the Sony World Photography Awards. Seeking the very best in international contemporary photography, the awards have established themselves as one of the world’s leading photography competitions. The most recent winner of the L’Iris d’Or/ Photographer of the Year title is Norwegian photographer Andrea Gjestvang for a powerful series of portraits of children and youths who survived the July 2011 massacre on the island of Utøya, outside Oslo.
The winner of the 2014 L’Iris d’Or/Photographer of the Year title will be presented with $25,000 (USD) and the Open Photographer of the Year will receive $5,000 (USD). All category winners will receive the latest digital imaging equipment from Sony and the Student Focus winner will receive a range of new, cutting edge Sony equipment for their university. Winning and shortlisted photographs will also be published in the 2014 edition of the Sony World Photography Awards book and exhibited at Somerset House, London.
The 2014 Sony World Photography Awards include the following competitions:
- Professional – 15 categories judged on a series of work
- Open – 10 categories judged on a single image
- Youth – three categories for photographers under 20
- Student Focus – for higher education photography students aged 18-30
The Open and Youth competition will close for entries at 23.59 GMT on Monday 6 January 2014 with the exception of the Professional competition which will close at 23.59 GMT on Thursday 9 January 2014. A list of categories can be found in the notes to editors.
The brief for the Student Focus competition is to shoot a single image for the front page of a newspaper. The image can be sensationalist or low-key but it must make the viewer want to learn more and draw attention to an issue that has meaning for the photographer. Entries to the Student Focus competition close on 6 December 2013.
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