A Visegrad Fund második alkalommal hirdeti meg irodalmi rezidens programját a V4 országaiban. A pályázaton a V4 országaiból írók, költők, irodalomtörténészek vehetnek részt. A nyertesek számára a Visegrádi Alap ösztöndíjat, az egyes vendéglátó intézmények pedig lehetőséget biztosítanak a közös munkára, szakmai találkozókra, nagyközönség előtti bemutatkozásra.
The Visegrad Literary Residency Program, established 2012 by the International Visegrad Fund, consists of a series of residency stays and literary events addressed to writers of fiction and non-fiction, poets, essayists, critics as well as literary translators, publicists and journalists from the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia).
The program is run in partnership of Villa Decius with Institut umění (The Arts Institute) in Prague, Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum (Petőfi Literary Museum) in Budapest and Literárne informačné centrum (Centre for Information on Literature) in Bratislava.
The program will provide opportunities to host from and in all V4 member states and to support work and mobility of talented literary residents, to create a platform for information exchange and to support development and promotion of V4 literature in Central Europe.
The program’s 2013 edition will enable 16 literary residents to carry their literary projects in 4 host institutions in the period of September 1–November 30, 2013.
Each of the host institutions will be responsible for organizing a stay of a group of 4 literary residents (one from each V4 country), who will be working on their individual literary projects, and also participating in a literary event organized in the hosting city.
The recruitment process of 16 grantees of the program (4 from the Czech Republic, 4 from Hungary, 4 from Poland and 4 Slovakia) will be based on individual applications submitted via an on-line application form (operated by the Villa Decius Association).
- writers of fiction and non-fiction, poets and literary translators with at least one book publication (min. 18 years old)
- essayists, critics, publicists and journalists with at least 3 publications in quality newspapers, magazines or electronic media (min. 18 years old)
- structured CV
- description of the literary plans for the residency
- list of publications
- motivation letter
- Accommodation in a shared apartment in the chosen Host City (one-person rooms with washroom facilities and free internet access, shared kitchen) from 1st September to 30th November 2013
- A monthly stipend of 750 EUR gross
- Support from the Host Institution in preparing for the stay, in organizing literary meetings, interviews and workshops as well as networking with publishers and literary critics
- professional approach towards literary work documented by previous work
- quality and credibility of residency plans presented in the application form
- good reputation and clear record in cooperation with the International Visegrad Fund
- willingness to participate in a public meeting organized by the Host Institution
- Applicants must be citizens of one of the Visegrad Group states, ie: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia.
- Applicants’ previous projects supported by the International Visegrad Fund shall be finished and closed in the time of applying.
- Applicants shall be granted a Literary Residency within this Program only once in each V4 member state.
- Applicants must cover the costs of health insurance for the period of the Literary Residency by themselves.
Call for proposals
Contract sample
Deadline: April 30, 2013 at 23:59 CET
More information:
Małgorzata Różańska-Braniecka, e-mail: gosia@villa.org.pl
Web: http://visegradfund.org/
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