A lengyel kezdeményezésű, „Refugees in Europe” című pályázati programra szóló meghívás európai egyetemeknek, művészeti iskoláknak szól, akik a pályázaton oktatóik bevonásával, az intézmény támogatásával vesznek részt és a témafeldolgozást az oktatás keretei között (projekt, workshop, kurzus formájában) valósítják meg.
A nemzetközi zsűri a pályázási időszak leteltével kiválasztja a 10 legjobbnak ítélt munkát, melyeket Európa-szerte kiállításokon mutatnak majd be.
A jelentkezés folyamatos!
Kapcsolat: Karolina Katowska – karo.kato@gmail.com
és Szőnyeg-Szegvári Eszter – e.szonyeg.szegvari@gmail.com
Europe is facing the biggest refugee crisis since World War II. Thousands of people are forced to leave their homes and look for safety in foreign countries. Ideas and values crucial to the European Union and international agreements, such as the Geneva Convention and the Lisbon Treaty, oblige all EU member states to provide refugees with asylum and assistance. Nevertheless, many politicians voice their objection towards those moral and legal obligations. Political divisions surface also in European Union’s societies. Hate speech is rampant, as is ever so alive xenophobia and islamophobia. Let’s not be indifferent to spreading fear and ignorance that often leads to aggression and violence. Let’s take our stand using transnational language of fine arts. A poster is a strong means of stating the idea – let’s use it!
The competition is addressed to students of fine arts & design schools, colleges and universities aroud Europe.
Competition holders would like students to work on posters in cooperation with professors, during courses.
Fine arts and design schools that would join the competition will be mentioned on on the website (page „schools”), and, after the winners announcement, they will be asked to print 10 awarded posters and to exhibit them. This will be also a prize: exhibitions in cities around Europe.
The files suitable for printing will be provided by competition holders.
We will do their best to cooperate with the most important institutions of art and culture in Europe to provide publicity for the participants and winners, and to gain prestige for the competition. After the winners announcement we will also encourage as many institutions as possible (not only schools) to exhibit the best posters, to let more people see them.
The competition is non-profit and all the competition holders and jury members work for free.
For more details visit posters-about-refugees. com
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