A 10. Liszt zongoraversenyt 2014. október 26-tól november 8-ig rendezik meg Utrechtben. A versenyre a világ bármely országából jelentkezhetnek a 17-29 éves korú hivatásos zongoristák. Jelentkezési határidő: 2014 január 10. Díjak: Első díj: 20.000 €; Második díj: 12.500 €, Harmadik díj: 7500 € és még más díjak is.
The celebratory 10th edition of the International Franz Liszt Piano Competition will be held from 26 October to 8 November 2014 at the brand new TivoliVredenburg in the city centre of Utrecht. Read more about the 10th edition of the Competition.
The Liszt Competition also organizes Masterclasses and Concert series on a regular basis.
The celebratory 10th edition of the International Franz Liszt Piano Competition will be held from 26 October to 8 November 2014 at the brand new TivoliVredenburg in the city centre of Utrecht.
The Liszt Competition is open to professional pianists of all nationalities who are at least 17 years and maximum 29 years of age at the start of the Competition (i.e. 26 October 2014).
Important dates
April 2013 – Start of online application
10 January 2014 – Deadline for application
International Selection Rounds
- 3 – 4 March 2014 – New York
- 6 – 9 March 2014 – Utrecht
- 19 March 2014 – Moscow
- 21 March 2014 – Beijing
April 2014 – the 24 Quarter-Finalists will be announced on Facebook
10th International Franz Liszt Piano Competition, Utrecht
- 26 October – drawing of lots
- 28 – 30 October 2014 – Quarter-Finals
- 1 – 4 November 2014 – Semi-Finals
- 6 November 2014 – Finals Solo
- 8 November 2014 – Finals with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by James Gaffigan and Award ceremony
Concert tour Prize winners
2014 – 2016
- First Prize: A sum of € 20,000 and a Career Development Programme.
- Second Prize: A sum of € 12,500 and a Career Development Programme.
- Third Prize: A sum of € 7,500 and a Career Development Programme.
- Press Prize: A sum of € 5,000 awarded by the International Press Jury for the best recital programme in the Semi-Finals.
- Capgemini Audience Award: A sum of € 3,000. The Capgemini Audience Award is an audience prize for the best pianist in the Finals.
- Henk de By Incentive Award: A sum of € 3,000 and participation in international masterclasses, awarded by the Jury to the best competitor up to and including 21 years of age, excluding the finalists.
Career Development Programme: The Liszt Competition’s Career Development Programme is especially designed to further the career of the Competition’s three Prize winners on an artistic and professional level. For a period of three years, the Liszt Competition represents the Prize winners in the Netherlands and abroad and supports them in the role of concert manager. Other benefits include the international release of a CD recording, a website, media training and performance support. Laureates of previous Liszt Competitions have given hundreds of concerts in over 25 countries worldwide as part of their prizes.
Web: http://www.liszt.nl/