14th Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams runs from 14 to 18 November, 2012 and consists of: International competition programme of short and medium-length animated films; Non-competitive informative programmes, retrospectives and special presentations.
Eligible films must be:
a) short and medium-length (-45 min) animated films;
b) premiered after 1 January, 2011;
c) screened in 35 mm, HDCAM, DigiBeta, or Blu-ray;
d) with English subtitles, if not in English.
Film entry: The deadline for entries is August 31, 2012. By this date online entry form must be completed (http://vp.eventival.eu/poff/16/films ). Additional materials (biography and filmography of director, stills of the film, synopsis of the film) on CD and a preview copy (DVD) with English subtitles should arrive at our office by that date.
The selection of a submitted film will be informed to the applicant by October, 2012. No film selected may be withdrawn from the festival programme after its participation has been officially confirmed by the eligible applicant.
The head of the festival appoints at least three members of the international jury. No jury member may have been involved in the production or promotion of any film in the competition.
The international jury is obliged to award:
• Grand Prix „Wooden Wolf” for the Best Film;
• Prize for the Best Story;
• Prize for the Best Design.
The international jury is allowed to issue up to three Special Mentions for various achievements.
All costs related to the transportation of the preview copy and materials are the responsibility of the applicant. Submitted preview copies may be returned to the applicant or forwarded only at the applicant’s expense.
Costs related to the transportation of the screening copies (35 mm film prints or broadcast video material) to Tallinn are the responsibility of the participant, unless otherwise negotiated. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the festival. The festival will return or forward the screening copies within 30 days after the end of the festival unless instructed otherwise by the applicant.
The festival will cover all expenses connected to the storage and insurance of the screening copies during their stay in Estonia.
Maarit Männama
Programme co-ordinator
tel: +372 631 4640
e-mail: maarit.mannama[at]poff.ee
Web: http://2011.anima.ee/
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