Pályázat filmművészeti egyetemet, főiskolát végzett lengyel és európai filmeseknek. Ha van saját filmötleted, forgatókönyved, készíts egy previzualizációt és esélyt kaphatsz annak megvalósítására egy új, gazdaságos gyártási modell keretében. Film Spring Open egy filmes audiovizuális workshop. Célja a dinamikus változások tükrében lehetőséget teremteni a szakmának és az alkotóknak az új technológiák elsajátítására, tudásuk elmélyítésére.
A Film Spring Open szellemi atyja Sławomir Idziak operatőr, aki több mint negyven éves szakmai múltra tekinthet vissza, számos európai filmes iskola előadójaként is. Célja egy olyan fórum megteremtése volt, mely nemcsak az audiovizuális szakma jövőjéről kezdeményez párbeszédet, de konkrét projektek megvalósítására, a legújabb technológiák gyakorlatban történő megismerésére és tesztelésére is lehetőséget teremt.
Leadási határidő: 2013. március 31.
További információk: http://www.filmspringopen.eu/previs.html
Letölthető dokumentum
Do you have an idea for a feature fiction film? A script that you wrote was rejected? Make a previsualization (Previs), shoot a draft version of your future film. The best project will have a possibility to be professionally produced in a new economic model of film production.
Film Spring Open has been organizing interactive filmmaking workshops focused on the future cinema for 8 years now. In times of the dynamic technological changes in audiovisual industry our goal is to provide further and continuous training of professionals and talented filmmakers.
Film Spring Open is owned and managed by Sławomir Idziak, a cinematographer with 40 years of professional experience both as a filmmakers and lecturer in many European film schools. He created a great place not only for discussion about the future of audiovisual industry but for making film projects using new technologies based on practical tests of newest equipment and software, hands-on workshops and lectures of outstanding professionals.
Film Spring Open would like to introduce a new economic system of film production. „World is shaken by crisis, industrial production is ruled by cost optimization, governments cut state budgets. Meanwhile, in the world of film still too much money is being spent. The technological revolution has not (or has a small) impact on a system of film production, however needs to improve its efficiency. We believe that our project can result in significant savings, and thus for the same amount of money it will be possible to produce more films.” says Sławomir Idziak.
The beginning of changes is a new form of selection of feature film ideas – based on the Previs – an audiovisual material presenting a draft of the future film.
The project is supported by the following partners that will join the members of the Jury: Polish Film Institute, Polish Filmmakers Association, National Audiovisual Institute, Krakow Film Commission, Media Desk Poland, Film Agency TVP (Polish Public Television Broadcaster), Orange Polska, CD Projekt (cdp.pl), Platige Image, and Katowice Film School (WRiTV) – the Krzysztof Kieślowski Faculty of Radio and Television at University of Silesia.
There are hundreds of competitions for scripts all over the world as well as organizations that choose the best texts. Great number of scripts and decreasing production possibilities that we face today, not only in Poland but also in Europe, make it even more difficult to pass the selection of various groups that choose future projects. As a result many valuable texts are being rejected. In addition, the ones that are rewarded are usually the texts of famous artists.
Instead of scripts the authors can send a previsualization of their future projects. Using consumer cameras, in any location (not necessarily the ones from your script i.e. shooting a scene set in a café in Paris can in fact be made in an apartment in Warsaw), engaging actors from acting/film schools or non-professional actors (family and friends) to make a draft of the future professional project, the so-called Previs.
The Jury will keep in mind that they are not judging a completed film but only a draft and will decide which one will be professionally produced in the new economic model of film production.
Dates: the deadline for submission is March 31st.
Award: The best project will have the possibility to be professionally produced in the new model of film production. The shooting is aimed to start at Film Spring Open-Air (filmmaking workshops) in May 2013.
More information can be found on Film Spring Open portal at:
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