REF seeks candidates for the external evaluation of its program, entitled `mother-children education` in Serbia. The Roma Education Fund is seeking proposals to externally evaluate its pojects, `mother- children` education implemented in Serbia. The overall objective of the Mother-Child Education Program is to contribute to the social inclusion and poverty reduction of the Roma in Serbia by improving access to Early Childhood Education for Roma children with special regard to the most disadvantaged.
Applicants should possess:
- At least Bachelor degree related to a social science, preferably including gender studies, development studies, evaluation or social research;
- At least 3 years of working experience in evaluation and/or social research, with at least 2 years working with developing countries
- Strong analytical and research skills with sufficient understanding of survey design,
- Quantitative/qualitative methods and data analysis;
- Experience in evaluation of Early Child Development projects
- Experience on gender equality and women’s empowerment will be an asset;
- Experience working with the SIDA, EU and/or UN Agencies and donors;
- Outstanding interpersonal skills, teamwork, and competency to operate in a multi-cultural and diverse environment;
- Familiarity with the region and the country are strongly preferred;
- Familiarity with REF goals and projects will be an asset.
- Excellent written and spoken English
- Knowledge of Serbian language will be an asset
- Must be available to work immediately
The deadline for application is 5th of March 2013.
Qualified candidates may submit their application, including:
- A letter of interest, indicating availability and financial offer with all costs included
- A complete Curriculum Vitae
- A draft methodology proposal
These documents should be sent to Natasa Kocic Rakocevic, and to Anasztazia Nagy and to Marius Taba no later than 5th March 2013
Please, download the full Terms of reference here.
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