Tandem / Shaml – Cultural Managers Exchange Europe – Arab Region – is a new initiative by the European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam), MitOst (Berlin), Al Mawred Al Thaqafy (Cairo) and Anadolu Kültür (Istanbul), supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung (Stuttgart), DOEN Foundation (Amsterdam) and Mimeta (Norway).
The programme encourages cultural managers from across Europe and neighbouring non-Europe countries to co-develop creative and cultural productions linked to their expertise as cultural professionals. Tandem / Shaml offers the chance for six cultural organisations based in Germany and other European countries to establish a long-term cooperation with new partner organisations from Arab countries in the Mediterranean region. The project provides the opportunity for cultural professionals’ long-term cooperation and knowledge development. It is also an unique opportunity to get a real insight into the rapidly-changing Arab cultural scene now emerging.
What is Tandem / Shaml?
The purpose of Tandem / Shaml is to foster long-term collaboration with cultural professionals from Arab countries of the Mediterranean region, particularly from Egypt, Tunisia and Syria, and European countries, particularly from Germany. This application round is open for cultural organisations from the Arab region, and Europe to apply to attend an initial Partnership Forum where they can meet and see if they find another organisation whom they would like to co-develop a year-long collaboration with. After this, cultural managers can submit their project to be selected to take part on the programme. There will be six Tandem / Shaml places on this round.
Who is Tandem / Shaml for and how to participate?
The project is for cultural managers from professional cultural organisations with experience in international project work, preferably with the Arab Region, and an interest in long-term collaboration with Arab partners. English language skills are an essential pre-requisite for the successful implementation of a co-operation and co-production. Therefore, the project is targeted at cultural managers with a record of international co-operation and a good command of English.
What does the programme look like?
A mix of visits, with intensive training sessions and specific collaborative projects – the programme is designed for strengthening the managerial and specialist skills of both European and Arab cultural managers to contribute international cooperation and development. The basic activities within the programme are as follows:
- Partnership Forum in Tunis, Tunisia (August 29 – September 2, 2012)
- Kick-Off Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey (October 30 – November 4, 2012)
- Mutual 14-day working visits of the Tandem partners in Europe and the Arab countries (November 2012 – March 2013)
- Interim Training Workshop (February 2013)
- Expert advice for the development of specific arts projects/co-productions
- Project funding for co-productions up to EUR 5,000
- Final event – showcasing the productions in June 2013
Participation Criteria
- You need to be employed at a cultural organisation that has a minimum of three employees
- You must have an interest in long-term international co-operation and developing a wider network
- You must be available to attend meetings, workshops and activities for the programme period and to host a cultural manager in your city/organisation for a short visit
How to Apply?
The deadline to apply to participate in the Tandem / Shaml Partnership Forum in Tunis is July 15, 2012 midnight CET
Please download the application form and return it to:
MitOst – Henrieke Moll (tandem(at)mitost.org)
After the Partnership Forum there is a second application round where if you have found a cultural organisation you would like to develop a year-long collaborative project with you can apply to be selected for the Tandem / Shaml programme.
Please find here an overview of the Arab participants attending the Tandem / Shaml Partnership Forum in Tunis.
The Tandem / Shaml programme was created as we believe in the importance of working together to create dialogue among different groups and different communities. The opportunity to experience learning first-hand in new organisational and artistic localities will offer an inspiring and stimulating space to develop partnerships and creative practise.
Source: http://www.ecflabs.org/