Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Bajor ösztöndíj 2012/2013

A bajor BAYHOST intézmény (Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe) egy éves ösztöndíj lehetőséget hirdet közép- és kelet európai, így magyar hallgatók részére is, posztgraduális vagy doktori tanulmányok folytatására bajor tartományi egyetemeken.

A jelentkezés határideje: 2012. december 1.

Az ösztöndíj feltételei, valamint a pályázathoz szükséges dokumentumok és információcsomag az alábbi linken érhető el:

Scholarships for graduates from Central-, Eastern- and Southeastern Europe – One year scholarships

The Bavarian Ministry for Science, Research and Art will sponsor scholarships for the academic year 2013/14. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply. The scholarships are meant to finance doctoral or postgraduate studies at Bavarian universities. One year scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years. The scholarship is paid out monthly (700 €) and amounts to 8400 € per year. Students with children or an unemployed partner and at least one child receive 860 € per month, which amounts to 10320 € per year. Candidates should send their documents to the address specified in the application forms.

DEADLINE FOR FIRST TIME APPLICATIONS: 1st December 2012 (date of receipt!)

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS OF EXTENSION: 15th January 2013 (date of receipt!)

 => Attention! Late or incomlete applications will not be considered.

Download:  O n l i n e   a p p l i c a t i o n   f o r m

  • FIRST TIME APPLICATIONS: Important advice, please read before applying!
  • EXTENSIONS: Important advice for extension applications download
  • FAQs: Frequently asked questions download
  • EXPERT OPINION: Guidelines (extensions only) download

Information, dates and addresses for the study in Bavaria via this link

Bavarian Academic Center For Central, Eastern And Southeastern Europe



Your contact person: Ms Katrin Döppe

Web: Study in Bavaria