One of the main objectives of the BKV is to promote the younger generation of artists, i.e. to financially support the professional and artistic development of young artisans through publications and by means of expert assistance. The BKV-Prize was therefore created in 2006 and is awarded once a year.
The competition is aimed specifically at young artisans who have completed their professional training and are beginning their careers. The competition is international and covers all areas of applied arts.
The prize is awarded to works that show unique artistic creation based on fine craftsmanship.
- First Prize: € 3,000,- + Catalogue (German/English)
- 2nd Prize: € 2,000,- + Catalogue (German/English)
- 3rd Prize: € 1,000,- + Catalogue (German/English)
- The three prize winners receive a joint catalogue (German/English)
- Additionally, all prize winners will be honored with a complimentary three year membership in the BKV.
- All works of the finalists and prize winners will be exhibited in the Gallery for Applied Arts (Galerie für Angewandte Kunst) during the award ceremony and afterwards at Internationale Handwerksmesse, IHM Munich, Special Exhibition “Handwerk & Design”.
- Artisans who have not yet reached the age of 35 as of the cut-off date (January 1, 2013) may participate.
- Entrants must have completed their training and be professionally engaged in fine craftsmanship.
- The entry must consist of at least 3 (maximum 5) pieces of work. These must not be older than 2 years as of the cut-off date of January 1, 2013. Works included in the entry must not have been awarded a prize or exhibited in any other competition.
- Entry deadline: May 10, 2013
- Award ceremony: September 12, 2013 The award ceremony will be held at the BKV in Munich.
- The exhibition of finalists and prize-winning entries: September 13 – Oktober 5, 2013
BKV-Prize 2013
Competition procedure
Works are selected in two stages:
1st stage: Photo-jury
The following must be submitted by May 10, 2013:
- Completed application form
See information on conditions of entry on page 4 or at www.kunsthandwerk-bkv.de
- Competition entry (images of 3 to max. 5 different pieces of work) See information on conditions of entry on page 3 or at www.kunsthandwerk-bkv.de
- Application documents are to be sent by post to:
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V.
“BKV-Prize 2013”
Pacellistraße 6-8
80333 München/Munich
The jury will select the works to be presented to the object jury based on the images submitted.
2nd stage: Object jury
The artisans selected in the first stage will be notified in writing and asked to send in their works. The jury will decide on the award based on the works submitted. The jury decides independently, and entrants will be notified of the decision in writing. The jury decision is final and is not based on specific criteria.
Transport and insurance
Delivery and return of the works are undertaken at the expense and risk of the entrant. The works will be insured while on the premises of the BKV. The insurance value should be provided upon delivery.
Entries from non EU-countries
The declaration of value must be in EURO. Works must be declared as exhibition objects.
LfA Förderbank Bayern
Contact BKV-Prize:
Dr. Monika Fahn
Pacellistraße 6-8
80333 München/Munich
T. 0049 (0)89 29 01 47-0
F. 0049 (0)89 29 62 77
Conditions of participation
- Artisans who have not yet reached 35 years of age by the cut-off date (January 1, 2013).
- Entrants must have completed their training and be professionally engaged in fine craftsmanship.
- The entry must consist of 3 (maximum 5) pieces of work. These must not be older than 2 years as of the cut-off date (January 1, 2013) and must not have been awarded a prize or exhibited in any other competition.
- The required documentation must be submitted to the Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein in Munich no later than May 10, 2013.
- Delivery and return transport are undertaken at the expense and risk of the entrant.
Required documentation
Required documentation must be submitted via post by May 10, 2013 to the Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe- Verein in Munich and should be addressed as follows: “BKV-Prize 2013”, Pacellistraße 6-8, 80333 München/Munich, Germany. Submitted material cannot be returned.
1. Completed application form
The fully completed application form (please use typescript) with all address details (see page 4).
2. Biographical details
Text files should be submitted on CD-ROM (do not use stickers or labels); all texts must be submitted as PDF files. Biographical details should include the following: date and place of birth, training and qualifications, professional career, individual and group exhibitions, publications, and awards.
3. Images of the competition entries (3 max. 5 different works)
Image data should be submitted on CD-ROM; all images must be submitted as JPG files. Images must measure at least 10 x 15 cm with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The filenames of each image must contain the entrant’s name, title of work, and sequence number. Please enclose DINA4 color prints of each image.
4. Image descriptions of competition entries
Text files should be submitted on CD-ROM; all texts must be submitted as PDF files. The image descriptions should be comprised of two documents: the application document, containing the entrant’s name, detailed address, phone number and date of birth, and the description document on a neutral sheet of paper, containing the title of each work with the date of creation, material, technique, size, and name of photographer.
Competition procedure
1. Stage 1: Photo-jury
The jury selects works to be presented to the object jury based on the images submitted. The deadline for entry is May 10, 2013. Artisans whose works are selected by the jury in the first stage will be notified in writing and asked to send in the works.
2. Stage 2: Object jury
Entrants will be notified of the jury decision in writing.
3. Stage 3: Award ceremony
The award ceremony will take place on September 12, 2013 at the Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe- Verein in Munich.