Egy kép sokszor többet tud elmondani, mint egy tucat oldalnyi szöveg, vagy több órás beszéd. A Nemzetközi Magánvállalkozások Központja arra invitál (kortól, foglalkozástól függetlenül mindenkit a világból, beleértve az amatőr képregény-rajzolókat is), hogy a következő kategóriákban nyújtsanak be műveket: demokrácia, korrupció, nemek közötti egyenlőség. Egy kategórián belül legfeljebb két mű adható be; ezeknek eredetiknek és még kiadatlannak kell lenniük. Az egyes kategóriák nyertesei pénzjutalomban részesülnek.
Határidő: 2011. április 17.
One image can…
communicate more than dozens of pages of text or hours of speeches. One image can change the course of history. Editorial cartoons draw attention to important political, economic, and social issues like nothing else. Using symbols or visual metaphors, their reach transcends country borders and language barriers.
The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) invites you to share creative ways of capturing key issues affecting the development of your country.
Editorial Cartoon
Entries in this category will address the state of democracy, either globally or in a specific country. There are many different opinions on what constitutes democracy and what democracy delivers for average citizens.
Some questions to consider:
- How do you view democracy in your country?
- What are the factors affecting the quality of democracy?
- Do you consider your country democratic?
- What makes democracy work – or not work – in your country?
- What do people expect from democracy?
- What are the main barriers to achieving democracy?
- How do authoritarian leaders undermine democratic institutions?
- How do you hold public officials accountable besides voting them out of the office?
- What is the role of free media?
- What role do civil society organizations play in your country?
Entries in this category will look at different forms of corruption, its negative impact on citizens, businesses, governments, and economies, as well as ways to combat it.
Some questions to consider:
- What are the biggest corruption issues in our country?
- What forms does corruption take?
- What are the differences between political corruption, bribery, and extortion?
- How do various people perceive corruption?
- What are the costs of corruption; how does it affect the development of your country and the lives of the people?
- Who benefits from corruption?
- How do you fight corruption?
- How do you improve transparency and accountability?
Entries in this category will look at cultural and legal barriers to women’s participation in society and ways to overcome them. Although women constitute a large share of countries’ economic and social force, they are all too often excluded from full political, economic, and social participation.
Some questions to consider:
- What are the fundamental human, economic, and political freedoms that women are denied around the world?
- What are the legal and cultural barriers to participation?
- What is the role women play in society?
- Which reforms could increase women’s participation?
- What are the outcomes of increased women’s participation?
- How can women’s participation positively affect democratic and economic development?
There are no restrictions on who can participate in this competition – it is open to participants of all ages, professional and amateur cartoonists. Participants may submit cartoons in all three categories and a maximum of two cartoons per each category. Submissions must be original, unpublished work.
Maximum file size:
- Hard-copy versions: A4 (210 X 297 mm ) or A3 (297 X 410 mm) and Letter (216 × 279 mm)
- Digital versions: Minimum resolution of 300 dpi and dimensions of 600 pixels wide and 400 pixels high (must be suitable for printing).
Submissions may include different sizes of cartoons – single panel, a strip, or a two-tier strip.
You may include text in the cartoon or in a caption in English as well as Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, or Spanish, but English translation must be provided.
By participating in this competition you allow CIPE the right to publish your submissions online and in print. CIPE will provide proper credit to the authors. This use includes, but is not limited to website, the CIPE Development Blog, CIPE’s social media tools, and other publications and resources.
- First place winners in each category will receive $1,000
- Second place winners in each category will receive $500
- Third place winners in each category will receive $300
Submissions are accepted until Sunday, April 17, 2011.