A call for application for „Contemporary Dance Night (2)”, „Weve got MORE”. „Contemporary Dance Night (2)” is continuing and developing our “Celebration of Existence and Differences” which was held on October 12th and 13th 2011 at the first “Contemporary Dance Night”; it is a set of dance-shows that aim to familiarize and develop the art of contemporary dance in Egypt; the event is planned to take place 6-11 September 2012 in Cairo and 20-21 November 2012 in Alexandria with contribution of young artists of different backgrounds, styles and approaches; an attempt to expose the audience to different styles and forms of the art of Contemporary Dance.
The Second “Contemporary Dance Night (2)” will consist of a set of dance performances and video-dances (10 live performances + 4 video-dances) for six consecutive nights in Cairo and two nights in Alexanderia.
Deadline for applying: 20th of May 2012, while announcing the participants by the end of the month.
CDN-2 is continuing and developing our “Celebration of Existence and Differences” which was held on October 12th and 13th 2011 at the first “Contemporary Dance Night (1)”; it is a set of dance-shows that aim to familiarize and develop the art of contemporary dance in Egypt; the event is planned to take place 6-11 September 2012 in Cairo and 20-21 November in Alexandria with contributions from young artists of different backgrounds, styles and approaches; an attempt to expose the audience to different styles and forms of the art of Contemporary Dance.
The Second “Contemporary Dance Night” will consist of a set of dance performances and video-dances (10 live performances + 4 video-dances) for six consecutive nights in Cairo and two nights in Alexanderia
Deadline for applying: 20th of May 2012, while announcing the participants by the end of the month.
Download application from here…
CDN is our way of fighting back; it is our way to overcome the current political crisis and to familiarize Egyptian society to the art of contemporary dance, we aim to:
- Familiarize Egyptian society with the art of contemporary dance.
- Extend and widen the circle of people interested in the art of contemporary dance.
- Develop the quality of contemporary dance in Egypt through more artistic performances, events and projects which will gradually build up a higher level of consciousness and criticism.
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