Nemzetközi Tipográfiai Pályázat Czesław Miłosz születésének 100. évfordulója alkalmából. 2011. Czesław Miłosz éve, egyben a kultúra, az irodalom és a könyv ünnepe –a méltó köntösbe öltöztetett írott szóé. A „Znaczy się” Új Művészet Alapítvány ez alkalomból nemzetközi kiírást tesz közzé Czesław Miłosz nevének tipográfiai megformálására. A verseny célja, hogy felhívja a figyelmet az írott szóra és annak megjelenési formájára, és hogy a Nobel-díjas költőhöz méltó grafikai arculatot találjon, mely világszerte eleget tesz majd a kortárs olvasó esztétikai elvárásainak.
Type Design International Student Competition „Milosz 2011”
The Competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates (who obtained degree in 2010 and 2011).
The Competition registration deadline is 31 May 2011. The deadline for submission of entries is 31 August 2011.
The winning typeface ‘Milosz’ along with all entries that have received honorable mentions will be exhibited at the ZNACZY SIĘ gallery in November 2011.
The winning entry will be known as typeface ‘Milosz’ and its author(s) will receive a prize of 10,000 PLN (about €2,500). The typeface will also be widely promoted and used for publishing Czesław Miłosz’s works.
Complete Rules of the Competition
- download complete rules of the competition
- download materials 1 (Milosz text PL)
- download materials 2 (Milosz text ENG)
To commemorate the centennial of the birth of Czesław Miłosz – poet, writer, translator – ZNACZY SIĘ New Art Foundation (the Organizer) announces an International Student Competition for typeface ‘Milosz’. Miłosz was born in 1911 in Szetejnie, now in Lithuania, was educated in interwar Poland, a country he left for political reasons in the early days of the communist regime in 1951 to settle finally in the United States in 1960. After the regime change in Poland in 1989, Miłosz begun to divide his time between the United States and Poland where he died in Kraków in 2004. Miłosz, who wrote primarily in Polish, is recognized as one of the most important and influential poets of the 20th century. His essays and other literary works show the author as keen observer of cultural, social and political changes of the world. In the words of the Swedish Committee awarding Miłosz the Nobel Prize in literature in 1980, he is the author „who with uncompromising clear-sightedness voices man’s exposed condition in a world of severe conflicts.”
The ZNACZY SIĘ New Art Foundation (Fundacja Sztuki Nowej ZNACZY SIĘ) wants to encourage creativity and new ways of thinking about Czesław Miłosz by celebrating the art of his word with the craft of typeface dedicated to this outstanding author. Following its mission to open opportunities for young designers, ZNACZY SIĘ Foundation invites submissions from all currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduates willing to challenge themselves to type design a new and original Open Type Fonts (OTF) suitable for publishing Czesław Miłosz’s works in Polish and English. A winning entry will be known as typeface ‘Milosz’ and its author(s) will receive a prize of 10 000 Polish zloty (about 2 500 Euro).
The deadline for registration for the Competition is 31 May 2011.
The deadline for submission of entries is 31 August 2011.
Any queries should be directed to:
Contact the organizers at:
Joanna Peplinska e-mail:
Beata Czajkowska e-mail:
Mailing Address:
Fundacja Sztuki Nowej ZNACZY SIĘ
[ZNACZY SIE New Art Foundation]
ul. Kościuszki 37
30-105 Kraków
phone +48 696 886 732