A Drugs, Security and Democracy Fellowship olyan, PhD és posztdoktor kutatók számára biztosít ösztöndíjat akik a drogok, a polgárok biztonságát és a demokratikus kormányzást befolyásoló drogpolitikával kapcsolatos kutatásokat folytatnak. A kutatást a Latin-amerikai és a Karibi országokban kell végezni és a kutatás eredményeként szükséges bevonni a karibi- és latin- amerikai térség lakosait. A kutatási ösztöndíjra bármely országból lehet jelentkezni. A kutatási ösztöndíj időtartama: max. 12 hónap. Az ösztöndíj mértéke a kutatási tervtől függ. Az ösztöndíj mellé kiegészítő támogatás járul az utazási és megélhetési költségekre. Jelentkezési határidő: 2014 január 20.
The Drugs, Security and Democracy (DSD) fellowship program supports research on drugs, citizen security, and democratic governance, with a goal of producing evidence-based knowledge and influencing drug policy. The fellowship seeks to develop a concentration of researchers who are interested in policy-relevant outcomes and membership in a global interdisciplinary network.
DSD funded research must address the primary theme of drugs in relation to security and/or democracy in Latin America or the Caribbean. These topics may include, but are not limited to, the following issues and areas of study: the relationship of drugs to crime and violence, the impact of drug policy innovations (decriminalization, etc.), and the impact of drug markets on public health and human rights. Proposals must demonstrate the potential of the research to contribute to a sound and credible knowledge base for informed advocacy and decision making for drug policy. Projects that do not have a primary focus on the theme of drugs will be eliminated from the competition.
The program encourages interdisciplinary and comparative projects and those that address transnational and transregional issues. We encourage research in or about countries or themes that have been underrepresented in the program’s previously funded projects. Please click here for a list of previously funded projects.
Applications are welcome from PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers conducting research that addresses the primary theme of drugs in relation to security and/or democracy in Latin America or the Caribbean. Eligible applicants will fall into one of the following two categories:
- Dissertation Fellowship: This competition is open to PhD and JSD candidates worldwide who have an approved dissertation prospectus by July 1, 2014, but have not completed writing for final submission.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship: The competition is open to PhD and JSD recipients worldwide who have completed their PhD within 7 years of the application deadline (on or after January 20, 2007).
If you are proposing to conduct research in a nonnative language, you should provide evidence of the necessary proficiency to carry out the project.
The program strongly encourages citizens and residents of Latin America and the Caribbean to apply.
The DSD Program provides support for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 months of research. Candidates based outside of Latin America or the Caribbean must spend at least three months conducting research in the region. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan; however, support will be provided for travel and living expenses as well as associated research costs based on a budget reviewed by the SSRC. The fellowship is intended to support an individual researcher, regardless of whether that individual is working alone or in collaboration with others.
Recipients of the DSD Fellowship are expected to devote themselves full-time to their DSD research during the tenure of the fellowship. Dissertation fellows must complete the fellowship within a continuous block of time and may not take classes or teach during the fellowship. Postdoctoral fellows need not schedule their fellowship in a continuous block of time.
The fellowship includes mandatory participation in two interdisciplinary workshops, one preceding fellowship research and one upon completion of the fellowship tenure. Workshops will be organized by the SSRC and held in Latin America in July or August. Travel and accommodations will be provided.
Deadline: January 20th 2014
The DSD Program is funded by the Open Society Foundations and the International Development Research Centre. The program is a partnership between OSF, IDRC, the SSRC, Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, and Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas in Mexico.
Program Staff
- Mary B. McDonnell, Program Director
- Daniella Sarnoff, Advisor
- Nicole Restrick Levit, Advisor
- Laura Sitkin, Program Coordinator
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