Az EBESZ (Európai Biztonsági és Együttműködési Szervezet) és együttműködő partnerállamai területén élő profi és amatőr fotósok nyújthatnak be pályázatot maximum olyan 3 képpel, amely érzékelteti a fenntartható energia és közlekedés fejlesztésének jelentőségét. Olyan témákat lehet feldolgozni, mint a megújuló energiaforrások, az innováció és az új technológiák, nemzetközi és határokon átnyúló együttműködések, fenntartható járművek és üzemanyagok, környezetvédelem, felhasználói magatartásformák alkalmazása stb.
A pályázatok benyújtásának határideje: 2011. július 31.
A nyertes prágai utazást és fotó eszközöket nyer.
A teljes pályázati szabályzat megtalálható a oldalon.
További információk:
Safeguarding Our Future: Sustainable Transport and Energy
OSCE Photo Contest 2011
True security requires not only the absence of a military threat – it also requires a safe environment, sufficient economic opportunities and the respect for human rights. The OSCE works in all these fields to strengthen security.
Finding environment-friendly ways to produce energy and transport goods is crucial to safeguard our future. In this regard, supporting the development of sustainable energy and transport has been high on the OSCE’s economic and environmental agenda for several years.1
Lithuania, which holds the 2011 OSCE Chairmanship, has pointed out the promotion of sustainable energy and transport as one of its priorities. Because of this particular interest, Lithuania proposed „Promoting common actions and co-operation in the OSCE area in the fields of development of sustainable energy and transport” as the theme for the 2011 OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum. This is the first time that the Forum will cover both sectors stressing their interdependence.
On the occasion of the Concluding Meeting of the Economic and Environmental Forum, which will be held in Prague from 14 to 16 September, the OSCE and the Chairmanship are organizing a photo contest to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable energy and transport. Qualified participants are invited to submit images of their interpretation of the theme. This could involve topics such as renewable energy, innovation and new technologies, international and trans-boundary co-operation, sustainable vehicles and fuels, environmental protection, adaptation of users’ behaviour and more.
The OSCE photo contest invites photographers, both professional and amateur, residing in the OSCE area, including in the Partner for Co-operation states, to submit photos illustrating the importance of development of sustainable energy and transport.
An international jury will select two winners; the 3rd prize winner will be selected by online voting. The 1st prize winner will travel to Prague for the award ceremony on the margins of the Economic and Environmental Forum on 14-16 September 2011 and will receive a prize comprising photographic equipment; 2nd and 3rd prize winners will also be awarded photographic equipment. A selection of 12 photographs by finalists will be presented at a special exhibition at premises of the Forum in Prague.
1 In 2009, OSCE Foreign Ministers agreed on a decision that said that „the interrelated challenges of climate change, energy security and efficient use of energy resources are amongst the most important issues to be tackled in the strategic perspective of ensuring sustainable development” (MC.DEC6/09). In 2006, OSCE Foreign Ministers adopted a decision that encouraged OSCE participating States „to stimulate, apply and share best practices in the field of technological progress aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment of economic activities, and in particular that of transport activities” (MC.DEC 11/06).
The deadline for submissions of entries is 31 July 2011, 24:00 (midnight) Central European Time.
- The contest is open to all photographers, professional and amateur, living and working in the OSCE area, including the Partner for Co-operation countries. Non-professional photographers are particularly encouraged to participate.
- There is no entrance fee.
- Each participant may enter a maximum of three photos.
- Participants should keep copies of all material submitted as entries will not be returned.
- All participants must register for the competition by completing and submitting the official entry form.
- All participants must certify on the entry form that the material is their own and copyrights have not been violated.
- Any necessary clearances should be submitted along with the entry form. Without the proper entry form the photo(s) will not be considered.
- All participants must agree to the subsequent use of their photo material by the OSCE, which reserves the right to publish the winning entry and the finalists, with the appropriate credit, in its non-profit publications, brochures and other materials, including calendars and posters, as well as on its website and other online platforms.
- OSCE employees and their immediate family members (spouses, children, parents, siblings) are ineligible for the participation in the contest.
Photo requirements
- The photo should capture the photographer’s vision of the significance of sustainable transport and energy.
- The photo should have been taken in the OSCE area (including 56 OSCE participating States and 12 Partners for Co-operation) since the year 2006.
- The entries cannot be a photomontage or a collage. Post processing should be limited to cropping, burning, dodging, conversion to black and white and normal exposure and colour correction.
- The photo(s) should be at least 2,000 pixels on the longer side. Low resolution images will not be accepted.
- The photo(s) can be sent in JPEG or other common formats.
- Photos must be submitted digitally along with the entry form and sent by e-mail to If necessary, you may send your submission and the entry form on a USB stick, CD-ROM or other standard storage medium to the following address: Photo contest 2011, OSCE Press and Public Information Section, Wallnerstrasse 6, 1010 Vienna, Austria. Only digital entries are accepted.
- Contributions must have a title and include a short explanation, using a maximum of 150 characters, indicating the country, city or region where the picture was taken and when.
- No copyrighted material may be entered in the contest.
- The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2011, 24:00 (midnight) Central European Time. Submissions and completed entry forms must be received by this date.
Submissions must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright or license infringement. Submissions must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, defamatory, slanderous or libellous; or that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; or that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to laws or regulations.
Any necessary clearances should be submitted along with the entry form.
Selection process
A shortlist of entries will be selected by the Press and Public Information Section and the Office of the Co-ordinator of Economic and Environmental Activities of the OSCE Secretariat.
The entries submitted by these photographers will be judged by an international jury who will select 12 final works to be exhibited, out of them 1st and 2nd prize winners. The jury’s decisions are final and binding in all respects and not subject to appeal. Submitted entries will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- relevance to the contest theme and OSCE values
- message
- originality and creativity of expression
- photo composition
- quality of execution
The 3rd prize winner will be selected by public vote out of the works of the finalists via the OSCE Facebook page.
The photos by the finalists and winners will be published on the OSCE website and Facebook page.
The winners will be announced in mid-August. The prize for the 1st prize winner will be a trip to Prague, Czech Republic, to attend an award ceremony on the margins of the Economic and Environmental Forum on 14-16 September 2011, and photographic equipment. The 2nd and 3rd prize winners will receive photography equipment. The works of winners and finalists will be exhibited at an exhibition during the Forum. All finalists and winners will receive certificates.
Roundtrip airfare from the place of residence to Prague and accommodation costs for the 1st prize winner will be covered.
Roundtrip airfare denotes economy class airfare to and from a major airport near the winner’s residence. The winner must travel on dates specified by the organizer. No assignment or transfer of the trip will be permitted, except at the organizer’s sole discretion. The trip may not be exchanged for cash.
Contact: E-mail your photo material and entry forms, as well as any questions regarding the contest, to:
Tatyana Baeva
OSCE Secretariat
Wallnerstrasse 6
A-1010 Vienna
Office: +43 1 514 36 6870
Mobile: +43 664 884 74 874
Susanna Lööf
Press Officer
OSCE Secretariat
Wallnerstrasse 6
A-1010 Vienna
Office: +43 1 514 36 6633Mobile: +43 664 859 0810
Fax: +43 1 514 36 6105
Address for sending submissions and entry forms on a USB stick, CD-ROM or other standard storage medium: Photo Contest, Press and Public Information Section, OSCE Secretariat, Wallnerstrasse 6, 1010 Vienna, Austria.