Nemzetközi meseíró és rajzverseny iskolások számára „Fairy tales of a beautiful heart” azaz egy gyönyörű szív meséi címmel. A pályázaton gyerekek 4-18 éves korig, szülők és tanárok vehetnek részt.
Under aegis of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO. International Children Competition ”Fairy Tales of a Beautiful Heart” a part of the project “I Choose to Be Kind”.
”Fairy Tales of a Beautiful Heart” – is a competition of creative written works, illustrations, photos and animations with positive content, reflecting the ideals of kindness and non-violence, created by children as well as teaches and parents of different nationalities living in different countries of the world.
- Moscow House of Nationalities;
- Moscow Institute of Open Education: Department of UNESCO Education; Department of Philological Education;
- NGO “Centre of Spiritual Development”;
- Children-youth social organization “Zemlya-EKODOM”.
Aims and objects
- To develop and support human values;
- To promote mutual understanding and tolerance between different nations and cultures;
- To help children to show their creativity, to find and support gifted children;
- To promote reading; to organize learning and leisure activities;
- To develop environmental awareness and activity;
- To issue a book with the best fairytales and a DVD-disc with the best animations.
- children from 4 tо 18 years of age;
- adults (teachers and parents).
The participants are divided into following age groups:
- 4 to 6 years of age;
- 7 to 12 years age;
- 13 to 18 years of age;
- adults.
Among adults only teachers and parents may participate.
Organizing Committee and Jury
Organizing Committee:
- establishes procedure of the Competition; works out and approves evaluation criteria for entries;
- accepts and approves the Competition documents;
- defines entry guidelines;
- contacts with regional organizers;
- spreads information about the Competition;
- informs participants about decisions;
- approves panel of final judges and regulations for their activity;
- approves winner’s certificates;
- organises awarding ceremony.
In different regions the Competition is held by regional organisers which can be organisations or individuals. Regional organizers can create a Regional Organizing Committee to hold the Competition in their region.
6. Procedure of the Competition
The Competition is hold in three rounds:
First round is held by children organizations and institutions (schools, studios, centers, etc) from 10th September till 30th December 2011. Following the results of the first round the jury sends 5 entries in each nomination and in each age group for participating in the second (regional) round. The decision of the jury should be fixed in the jury record which is to be sent to the Regional Organizing Committee together with the entries chosen for participation in the second round. The sample of the record is in the Appendix 2.
Second round (regional) is held in regions from 30th December 2011 till 15th February 2012. Regional jury selects and sends to the final round the 3 best entries in each nomination and each age group. The decision of the Regional Jury should be fixed in the jury record which is to be sent to the Central Organizing Committee together with the entries chosen for participation in the final round (Appendix 3). Region is a country – foreign countries, a region, republic, city – for the Russian Federation.
Third round (final) is hold in Moscow from 15th February 2012 till 15th March 2012. The final jury defines the winners of the competition.
Adults are to send their entries directly to the second round.
- written work in fairy tale genre, in epic, poetic or dramatic form – individual work;
- written work in fairy tale genre, in epic, poetic or dramatic form – work done by a group of children together with a teacher;
- illustration for a folk or literary fairy tale;
- photo demonstrating values in connection with people or nature;
- animated film based on a folk or literary fairy tale;
- script for an animation film based on a folk or literary fairy tale;
- environmental fairy tale.
Entry content criteria
Fairy tales of a beautiful heart are stories:
- reflecting such values as love, friendship, non-violence, peace, respect, tolerance, courage, hope, harmony with nature, etc;
- having a happy ending, when good becomes victorious and nobody looses;
- presenting creative and non-violent decisions resolving problems or negative situations;
- telling how goodness and beauty, aspiration for peace and understanding, tolerance and courage, faith in victory of love and beauty, caring attitude towards nature could transform a character and the world around;
- reminding that nature around us is fragile and we are responsible for our beautiful planet and all living beings on it.
Before the competition it is recommended to hold lessons on kindness and other values in educational institutions.
Entry format criteria
Nominations 1, 2, 6 (written work, script).
Entries will be accepted handwritten, printed or in an electronic form.
Works will be accepted in Russian, English, German, French, Spanish and Japanese. Entry size should not exceed 16 pages.
Nominations 3, 4 (illustrations, photos).
Illustration and photo sizes should not exceed А4 and А3 respectively.
Illustration technique: pencil, felt-tip pen, gouache, water colour, pastel.
Please, do not bend your works.
Nominations 5 (animated films).
Entries will be accepted in formats: Microsoft avi (with codec MPEG-4, DivX), swf, gif, mpg, mpeg, or vob.
Entries will be accepted by e-mail or on CD/DVD (PC).
If a work (illustration, animated film, or script) is based on a folk or literary fairy tale, please attach the text of the subject fairy tale or in the case its size exceeds 16 pages state the name of the fairy tale, author, publishers imprint and episode. Submitted works must be accompanied by a covering letter (Registration Form). A sample is in the Appendix 1 and 2.
Postal address: 125167 Moscow, Aviatsionnyi pereulok, 6, room 302.
Organizing Committee will not review or return the submitted works.
Evaluation and announcement of the results
Evaluation criteria:
- matching with the theme, positivity;
- freshness of the idea and author’s position;
- creativity;
- matching with the genre, style;
- artistic level;
- power of emotional and aesthetic influence.
Results will be announced for each nomination and for each age group. The Jury may announce additional nominations.
Winners will be rewarded with certificates and gifts.
All the participants of the third (final) round will be given finalist certificates.
Results will be announced during the award ceremony which is planned to take place during Children’s Book Week between 23–31st March 2012.
Expenses connected with traveling from other cities and countries are paid by the participants or their sponsors.
Following the results of the Competition the organizes are going to issue a book of the best fairytales and a DVD with the best animated films.
Copyright: By sending their work to the competition, authors automatically give permission for using their work to be used for non-commercial purposes (on internet sites, in printing editions, exhibitions ). All authors’ names will be specified.
Contact information
Address: 125167 Moscow, Aviatsionnyi pereulok, 6, room 302 (Department of Philological Education);
phone: (499) 151-69-92, (499) 231-00-63 (Moscow Institute of Open Education, Department of Philological Education);
(495) 625-90-18 (Moscow House of Nationalities, secretariat);
+7-926-967-81-65 (Centre of Spiritual Development).
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