A European Union Baroque Orchestra (Európai Unió Barokk Zenekara, EUBO) pályázatot hirdet fiatal zenészeknek a 2013-as zenekari meghallgatási kurzuson való részvételre. A kurzust 2013. április 2. és 8. között tartják Luxembourgban.
EUBO Audition Course Application 2013
To select the 2013 orchestra EUBO organises two identical three-day residential courses under the direction of Lars Ulrik Mortensen, taking place at Trifolion Cultural Centre in Echternach, Luxembourg. Applicants for EUBO 2013 must attend one of these courses and take part in all the scheduled sessions.
Applications are invited from players who are EU nationals, born after 1 January 1983 and who can demonstrate an advanced level of performance for following baroque (A=415) instruments only: violin, viola, cello, double bass, oboe, bassoon & harpsichord. Continuo applicants must be able to read a figured bass.
Nationals of Iceland, Croatia, Liechtenstein and Norway are treated as EU nationals. Nationals of EU Applicant countries are also eligible.
Each course is limited to 45 places so early booking is advisable.
The closing date for applications is Monday 18 MARCH 2013.
As well as orchestral work, the sessions feature ensemble work and individual coaching with the resident tutors. Each course includes a concert given by the students and an informal concert by the tutors. Each applicant pays €250 or £205 for the course in addition to the travel to/from Echternach, Luxembourg. EUBO provides accommodation in the nearby Youth Hostel (3 nights) and all meals for the applicants. Financial assistance may be available for eligible candidates (see below).
Following the two courses a final selection of players will be made. All applicants for EUBO will be notified of the selection results as soon as possible after the courses. Certificates of attendance at the course will be given to all candidates, but no formal feedback will be provided. Successful candidates selected for EUBO 2013 will be refunded the course cost of €250 and travel expenses to/from the course, upon completion of the 2013 tours in December 2013.
Applications must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a music teacher/professor and will be considered in the order in which they are received. All applicants are required to bring their own baroque instrument tuned to A=415. EUBO will provide five harpsichords and one small chamber organ.
Orchestral/sectional sessions: EUBO will bring all the music necessary for the full orchestral and sectional sessions. A list of the orchestral repertoire will be sent to you shortly before the courses. As parts will not be sent, you are not expected to have prepared this orchestral repertoire in advance.
Chamber sessions: EUBO has an extensive chamber music library, but you may bring some music for the Chamber Music Tutor’s consideration to play with the other students at the chamber music sessions and end of course concert. Chamber music groups should include at least four players but preferably more.
Individual sessions:
String players should prepare two contrasting movements selected to show your ability and sound to the best advantage, and two other movements to study during the course. Remember to bring the continuo part with you.
Wind players should be prepared to work on the most relevant orchestral repertoire, such as Bach overtures, Handel concerti grossi etc. Bring at least one complete piece for your instrument and continuo to study during the course.
Harpsichordists are reminded that you will be principally judged on your ability as a continuo player, but for your individual session you should bring solo music to demonstrate your technical skills, and a basso continuo piece on which you would like to work to demonstrate your understanding of continuo playing.
Tours and programmes 2013
If you are selected to be a member of EUBO 2013 you must be prepared to commit yourself to all the planned EUBO tours. The tours in 2013 are as follows:
- 15 to 31 July with Lars Ulrik Mortensen (last concert 30 July)
- 1 to 6 August with Mortensen & Choir of Clare College, Cambridge (last concert 5 August)
- 27 August to 8 September with Mortensen & Choir of Clare College, Cambridge (last concert 7 September)
- 3 to 18 October with Gottfried von der Goltz (last concert 17 October)
- 4 to 18 November with Stefano Montanari (last concert 17 November)
- 30 November to 16 December with Lars Ulrik Mortensen (last concert 15 December)
The dates are correct at January 2013, but may be subject to alteration.
During the above periods, the Orchestra is scheduled to give concerts throughout the EU.
During the tours EUBO will organise and pay for:
- your travel from/to your usual place of residence in the European Union at the start and end of the tours, and all travel during the tours
- your accommodation for all the tour dates (normally in twin rooms)
- a daily cash subsistence allowance
- air transport of cellos and double bass in specially constructed flightcases
Please note that no fees will be paid for the concerts.
Find out more about 2013 concert programmes
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