Van saját projektetek, ami felkelti a fiatalok érdeklődését a politika iránt? Szeretnétek megnyerni a Fiatal Demokraták Díjjal járó 3.000 eurót? Akkor jelentkezzetek a Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung pályázatára.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2015. május 17.
You are politically or socially active and run your own project? Your project aims to arouse young people’s interest in politics and policy? You would like to win the Youth Democracy Award 2015 and get 3000 € to support your project? Apply now!
The Youth Democracy Award is awarded for the sixth time in 2015. By awarding a project, that advocates democracy or democratizing in Europe in an outstanding way, it aims to appreciate and acknowledge the commitment of/to young people aged between 14 and 27.
Key topic of the Youth Democracy Award 2015 is the awakening of young people’s interest in politics and policy. Applying projects shall find new ways to enable youth to shape their environment. They encourage young people to get involved in political and social processes and campaign for their interests.
The deadline for applications is May 15th 2015. The best project will be chosen in mid-May by a jury consisting of young people, who are politically active and engaged in different branches. The prize carries a value of 3000 € and will be awarded at a conference in Berlin in September 2015.
The following criteria must be fulfilled by the project:
- The project team consists of people aged between 14 and 27 years. Support of staff workers is no criteria for exclusion.
- You are actively involved in the project and want to arouse young people’s interest in politics and policy. Thus, you make a lasting and effective contribution to the key topic of the Youth Democracy Award 2015.
- Your project might be a youth exchange, the creation of a movie, the organization of a sport event, a monthly community activity or something else. We welcome creative projects.
- The duration of your project is no concern for the jury, it can last from one day to several years.
- Finished projects must not exceed one year (May 15th 2014).
- Your project must originate in a European country (EU and non-EU).
- The project‘s activities are consistent with democratic principles.
- The project must be non-commercial and not funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
The following criteria would be nice to see:
- Young people run the project independently.
- Your project is creative and implements fresh ideas.
- You take part in the project voluntarily and with pleasure.
- Your project has few resources but a huge effect.
- Besides you, there are more young people that notice your project.
Selection process:
- Applications will be excluded if incomplete. Each part of the application form has to be filled out.
- Only the application form will be considered. Additional material cannot be regarded.
- Applications that do not follow the guidelines (e.g. amount of words) will not be considered.
- Application forms shall be filled out in English or German and submitted by mail (ideally as PDF).
- The selection will be conducted by a jury consisting of 20 young people. Jury members will only evaluate projects, in which they are not involved.
Please send your application form by mail till May 17th (date of receipt) to:
For further questions, please contact:
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Svetlana Alenitskaya
Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn
Tel +49 (0)228 99515-509
Fax +49 (0)228 99515-293
Media Contact
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn
Tel +49 (0)228 99515-284
Fax +49 (0)228 99515-293
Termin: 17.05.2015
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