Our Fuller Masters Scholarship is available to UK and EU students to study a taught masters course in our Department of Sociology. The scholarship is supported by the Fuller Fund and is awarded on the basis of academic merit. One scholarship will be offered in 2012-13.
Terms and conditions
The scholarships will be awarded in the form of a tuition fee waiver for the 2012-13 academic year and cannot be deferred to a later year or a different course from the one for which you are admitted. These terms and conditions apply to scholarships awarded to students entering the University in October 2012.
To be eligible for the Fuller Masters Scholarship you must meet all of the following conditions:
- be in receipt of an official offer of admission (conditional or unconditional) from the Graduate Admissions Office for a full-time taught Masters study in Sociology commencing in October 2012
- be eligible to pay tuition fees at the rate for Home/EU students.
All scholarships are subject to applicants firmly accepting the offer of study and registering as students of the University of Essex for the 2012-13 academic year. No alternative form of the scholarship is available.
Please note you are NOT eligible for this award if you are registered for:
- modular or part-time study at Masters level;
- a Postgraduate/Graduate Diploma or Postgraduate/Graduate Certificate;
- a research-based Masters degree.
Applicants may only receive one scholarship administered by the University of Essex. In the event that a successful Fuller Masters Scholarship applicant is already in receipt of another University award, the larger of the two awards will be kept and the other released.
If a selected scholar has a partial scholarship from another organisation for part of the tuition fees, and the combined value of these scholarships is higher than the cost of the tuition fees, the value of the Fuller Masters Scholarship will be reduced accordingly. The University reserves the right to reconsider the award of the scholarship if the financial situation of a selected scholar changes following the award of a scholarship.
How do I apply?
Applications are invited from all students who meet the eligibility criteria. You should complete an application form. No other means of application (e.g. CV or letter) are acceptable.
Your completed application must be sent to the Graduate Administrator by e-mail to: socpgadm@essex.ac.uk.
The deadline for sending in your completed application is Friday 6 July 2012.
What is the scholarship worth?
The scholarship covers tuition fees (Home/EU) and will be deducted automatically. Awards are granted for one year only.
When will successful candidates be notified?
Scholarship holders will be notified by Monday 16 July 2012. Acceptance of the scholarship constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. A scholarship will not commence until the student formally registers on a relevant course at the University of Essex.
How are scholars selected?
The Fuller Masters Scholarship supports talented postgraduate students who can demonstrate an excellent academic background and the potential for future achievement, as well as financial need. Candidates who satisfy the above criteria, and who have received an offer of admission, will be selected for the award by a panel of academic and administrative staff. Their decision will be based on the following criteria:
- previous academic qualifications, normally a first class Bachelor’s degree or high 2.1 or equivalent;
- the candidate’s aptitude for Master’s level work and making a contribution to the postgraduate community in the department. Evidence will be taken from their references, postgraduate application and the statement on the scholarship application form.
6. Transferability
Change of course within the University of Essex will not affect the continuation of a scholarship, providing that the student continues to be registered on an eligible course as defined above.
Termination of Scholarship
The scholarship will be terminated if a student ceases to be registered as a student with the University, or for good cause at the discretion of the Dean of the student’s Faculty, or his/her nominee for this purpose.
Resolution of disputes
In cases not covered by the above terms and conditions, or where a student claims exceptional circumstances, or disputes a decision not to make payments due under a scholarship, the Academic Registrar or his/her nominee will review the case and his/her decision will be final.
NOTE: The information set out above is correct at the date of publication (May 2012) The University of Essex reserves the right to make changes and will notify any such changes to applicants as appropriate.
Web: http://www.essex.ac.uk/
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