Henkel CEE Artists Studentship 2011 – within the framework of the Artists-in-Residence Program of KulturKontakt Austria.
The Artists-in-Residence Program of KulturKontakt Austria offers a three-month scholarship in Vienna for artists from Central and Eastern Europe, including a studio, accommodation, insurance, a monthly scholarship of 1,000 euros and a presentation of the artist’s works at the end of his or her stay in the Austrian capital. Artists up to the age of 35 from the following countries are eligible to submit entries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and the Ukraine.
The Henkel CEE Artists Studentship in Central and Eastern Europe, which is organized as part of the Artists-in-Residence Program of KulturKontakt Austria, invites fine artists in the fields of painting, drawing, photography, video and installation to take part in the prize competition. An international jury will select the winner of the Henkel CEE Artists Studentship 2011 from the entries submitted for the Artists-in-Residence Program of KulturKontakt Austria. In addition to the three month scholarship from KulturKontakt Austria, the winner will receive a monetary prize of 2,000 euros from Henkel CEE. The award winner will be notified in writing. The jury session will be held in Vienna in the middle of September 2011. Afterwards, the results will be announced on the Website of KulturKontakt Austria (http://www.kulturkontakt.or.at).
Henkel Art.Award. Young Artist’s Prize for CEE 2011 – Application materials:
- Curriculum vitae and description of artistic career (in English)
- Age limit: 35
- Exactly 5 reproductions of works of art: No originals!
– Artwork in the fields of painting, drawing, photography: reproductions in the form of photos, in folders and/or catalogues (Format: maximum A3). No slides, CDs or DVDs!
– Artwork in the fields of video and installation: Submit entries in the form of video DVDs (Maximum duration of presentation: 10 minutes)! - The entries will not be returned after the jury sessions.
- Applications per E-mail will not be accepted!
Entries for the Henkel CEE Artists Studentship 2011 within the framework of the Artists-in-Residence Program of KulturKontakt Austria must be sent
by June 27, 2011 at the latest (date of postmark) to:
KulturKontakt Austria
Cultural promotion and sponsoring
Att. Renate Bartaun
Universitätsstraße 5
A-1010 Vienna
Further information can be obtained by contacting Ms. Renate Bartaun of KulturKontakt Austria at the following e-mail address: application@kulturkontakt.or.at, or by calling the telephone number +43 1 523 87 65 Ext. 43.
Forrás: http://www.henkel-cee.com/
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