Launched in November 2013, the LVMH Prize has been created to reveal and support young fashion designers.
Each year, the LVMH Prize will recognize a young designer and three graduates of fashion schools.
The Young Fashion Designers competition is open to designers from every country who have produced at least two collections and who are under 40. To help them develop their creative work, LVMH will give winners:
- A grant of 300,000 euros
- Personalized technical and financial support from the Group for a 12-month period following the LVMH Prize award. This support covers all the areas of expertise that are critical to a young fashion brand (intellectual property, sourcing, production and distribution, image and advertising, marketing, etc.).
The “Graduates” prize is open to students of fashion schools who are completing a degree course at a fashion school during the LVMH Prize year. The three winners will receive a 10,000 euro grant and an opportunity to work as part of the design team at an LVMH brand for one year.
The LVMH Group has long been motivated by a “passion for creativity”, supporting the world of fashion through a variety of corporate philanthropy initiatives, including:
- the ANDAM Fashion Awards (Association Nationale de Développement des Arts de la Mode)
- the Hyères International Fashion and Photography Festival
- Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design in London
- the investment fund for young designers created by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.
- the Montfermeil culture and creation Festival
Today, this same passion has led the LVMH Group to launch the LVMH Young Fashion Designers Prize. This initiative helps drive the momentum and fresh talent that are essential to the vitality and diversity of the fashion ecosystem. Indeed, as Bernard Arnault has noted: “Innovation is more powerful when it springs from a preserved heritage.”
Candidates apply online until February 2nd, 2014.
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