Matematikai master’s kutatási ösztöndíj a Central Michigan egyetemre egyetemi hallgatóknak. Az ösztöndíj mértéke változó, a tavalyi évben 11 500 $ volt. A jelentkezési határidő: 2013 február 15.
The Department of Mathematics invites applications for the 2013-2014 Master’s Research Fellowship in Mathematics. Master’s Research Fellowships in Mathematics are awarded on a competitive basis to students with outstanding academic records. Carefully follow all of the fellowship directions so you submit a complete set of fellowship application materials. Only those fellowship applicants that submit a complete portfolio will be considered for a fellowship.
- Must be applying for full-time enrollment in the Master’s degree program in mathematics
- Must meet all entrance requirements for the College of Graduate Studies and the Department of Mathematics
- Previous Master’s Research Fellowship in Mathematics recipients will not generally be granted a second award
Application Information
Required Portfolio Materials
- Completed Graduate Application for Admission
- Official transcripts from all previously attended institutions (undergraduate and graduate transcripts, except those from CMU) sent directly to the Department of Mathematics at the address below.
- Completed Fellowship application
- Three letters of reference
- All required materials must be submitted by February 15, 2013 by 5:00 pm
Submit to the Department of Mathematics at the address below
- Awards begin Fall 2013
- Recipients of Master’s Research Fellowships in Mathematics must register for and complete at least nine graduate semester credit hours
- Maintain an overall and semester graduate grade point average of 3.00 or better each semester of the award
- The Fellowship provides a stipend. Stipend amounts are determined each year by the CMU Board of Trustees.
- The 2012-2013 stipend was $11,500.
- The Fellowship does cover some tuition; for details about the number of hours refer to the Graduate Student
Agreement at The tuition scholarship can only be used for courses on the student’s master’s degree program or ones approved by the student’s graduate advisor
Receipt of a fellowship will affect one’s eligibility for need – based financial aid.
Contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Information for additional information on financial aid eligibility (989-774-3674 or
Questions regarding the Mathematics fellowship program should be directed to Dr. Brad Safnuk, Graduate Coordinator, Department of Mathematics (989-774-6518 or
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