The Abate Zanetti Glass School, in collaboration with the Association for the Study and Development of the Culture of Murano (Associazione per lo studio e lo sviluppo della cultura muranese) hereby announces a competition for the creation of works reproducible in glass by the glassmakers of Murano using the techniques of their art.
The scope of the prize is to enhance and promote the artistic tradition of Murano glass, with the aim of bringing together contemporary art and Murano glassmakers.
- The competition is open to artists of any nationality in the figurative arts sectors and to Murano glassmakers.
Participation may be individual or collective.
The competition will take place in four phases:
- Phase 1: the artists present anonymously graphic illustrations of the works to be reproduced in glass;
- Phase 2: The Panel of Judges selects a maximum of 30 works to be reproduced in glass;
- Phase 3: the Murano glassmakers choose from the selected works those they intend to make in glass;
- Phase 4: the Panel of Judges assigns the prizes to the artists and glassmakers.
The artists must submit their artwork, at their own expense and risk, by 18.00 on 31 May 2012 to “Scuola del Vetro
Abate Zanetti, Calle Briati 8/B, 30141 Murano – Venezia, Italy”, marked “PREMIO MURANO 2012”
In the case of artwork sent by post, the posting date certified by the postmark will be considered valid as the consignment date.
The artwork must be consigned in an anonymous sealed pack identified by a motto or a six figure number.
The competition registration form can be downloaded from the website:
The registration form, with all parts filled in, must be sealed in an envelope (with no external indications) inserted in the pack. The registration form must include the motto or six figure number.
In the case of material sent by post, the anonymous pack and sealed envelope must be enclosed in a second external wrapping bearing the information required by the postal service. This wrapping will be destroyed by the general secretary of the Abate Zanetti Glass School before the contents are passed to the Panel of Judges.
The envelope with the registration form will be opened only after the Panel of Judges has reached a verdict.
There are no restrictions on conception of the work, apart from its suitability for reproduction in glass using the techniques of Murano. The work must consist of an object which may be contained in a parallelepiped measuring not more than 30x45x30 cm.
The artists must present their work on a sheet measuring 35 x 50 cm. Sheets of other sizes, or objects already reproduced in any material, will be rejected. The colours of the artwork may not be considered binding for the purposes of possible reproduction.
The Panel of Judges will consist of nine members and will reach a decision by simple majority.
Taking both the aesthetics and technique of the works into consideration and ascertaining their coherence with the spirit of the 2012 Murano Prize competition, the Panel of Judges will select a maximum of 30 works.
The Murano glassmakers taking part in the 2012 Murano Prize will choose which of the works selected they intend to reproduce in glass and will present it anonymously to the Panel of Judges, marked with a motto or number. This motto or number must also be given on the competition registration form which can be downloaded from the website:
The registration form, with all parts filled in, must be signed and placed in a sealed envelope (without external indications) and consigned together with the work. A photograph of the work must also be attached to the form.
The Panel of Judges will examine the works in glass and will assign:
2012 Murano Prize: € 5000.00, including € 2000.00 for the artist and € 3000.00 for the glassmaker.
Two Murano Prizes – Glassworks Section: € 1500,00 each, including € 500.00 for the artist and € 1000.00 for the glassmaker.
Two Murano Prizes – Lampworking Section: € 1500.00 each, including € 500.00 for the artist and € 1000.00 for the glassmaker.
Two Murano Prizes – Fusing Section: € 1500.00 each, including € 500.00 for the artist and € 1000.00 for the glassmaker.
Two Murano Prizes – Grinding Section: € 1500.00 each, including € 500.00 for the artist and € 1000.00 for the glassmaker.
The prizes will not be in money, but in gold medals to the value of the prize.
The prize-winning artwork and the works in glass will become the exclusive property of the Abate Zanetti Glass School which, by payment of the prize, will purchase all rights to their use and publication, explicitly reserving the right to promote them to the public with formulas associated with the School’s own image.
All other non-prizewinning artwork will remain the property of the artists. In the same way, non-prizewinning works in glass will remain the property of the glassmakers who produced them.
The Abate Zanetti Glass School reserves the right to organise exhibitions and to publish as it considers most appropriate both the prizewinning artwork and works in glass and those selected by the Panel of Judges, accompanied by the details of the artist and glassmaker, without any financial payment. By signing the competition registration form, the artists and glassmakers authorise the Abate Zanetti Glass School to display the artwork and works in glass and to publication under the above terms and conditions.
They also undertake not to withdraw or replace said artwork and works in glass before the Abate Zanetti Glass School has communicated their availability for collection. While remaining the exclusive owners of the artwork and works of art, the artists and glassmakers responsible for the works selected by the Panel of Judges explicitly acknowledge the Abate Zanetti Glass School’s nonexclusive right to reproduce said works and to grant said right to third parties for the purposes of publicising the Murano Prize and associated events.
All artwork and works in glass participating in the 2012 Murano Prize will be displayed at the Scuola Grande della Misericordia in Venice and/or the Abate Zanetti Glass School during the 2012 Architecture Biennial.
The Abate Zanetti Glass School will not return the artwork and works in glass.
All artwork and works in glass must remain at the disposition of the Abate Zanetti Glass School until 31 December 2012.
Artwork and works in glass may be collected directly from the School from 15 January 2013 by the artist or glassmaker or by a person with written authorisation. Artwork and works in glass must be collected by and no later than 15 February 2013.
All works in glass must in any case remain at the disposition of the Abate Zanetti Glass School for one year from the date of awarding of the prize in order to allow the staging of exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
By signing the competition registration form, the artists and glassmakers acknowledge that the Abate Zanetti Glass School is absolved from all liability with regard to the entrusted and forwarded artwork. They therefore assume all liability for risks and damage, including theft, relative to the artwork from the moment of dispatch. Artists wishing to take out insurance against said risks must do so directly and at their own cost.
The artists guarantee the originality of the artwork. The person indicated on the registration form must obtain acceptance of all parts of this announcement from any co-authors.
Participation in this competition implies unconditional acceptance of all the rules contained in this competition announcement, together with all those established by relevant legislation and regulations currently in force in Italy. In the event of controversy, the artists accept the exclusive competence of the Court of Venice.
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