2014 augusztusában a kínai Nanjing városban rendezik meg a 2. Ifjúsági Nyári Olimpiát. Az Olimpia és az olimpiai eszme népszerűsítése érdekében a szervezők nemzetközi rajzversenyt hirdetnek. A pályázatra 6-18 év közötti fiatalok pályázhatnak. A nyertesek díja egy táborozás Kínában. Pályázatok meghosszabbított beadási határideje: 2013 május 31.
Részvételi feltételek
- A résztvevők rajzokkal és festményekkel nevezhetnek a versenyre, melyeknek a szervezők által meghatározott négy eszmére (a tudás megtanulása, a cselekvés megtanulása, a létezés megtanulása és az együttélés megtanulása) és öt fontosabb témakörre (Olimpia, készségfejlesztés, Jóllét és egészséges életmód, Szociális felelősség és annak kifejezése) kell reflektálnia.
- Pályázhatnak 6-18 év közötti fiatalok, két életkori kategóriában:
- gyermek (6-12 év)
- tinédzser (13-18 év)
- Egyénileg és csoportosan is lehet jelentkezni.
Pályázatok meghosszabbított beadási határideje: 2013 május 31.
Pályázati naptár:
- Jelentkezési időszak, a műalkotások beküldési határideje: 2012. november vége – 2013. május 31.
- A művek elbírálása: 2013. május 1. – 2013. május 31.
- Eredményhirdetés: 2013. május 31.
- Díjátadó ünnepség, a nyertes művek kiállítása és nyári tábor: 2013 augusztusa
További információ és a szükséges jelentkezési lapok elérhetőek az Ifjúsági Nemzetközi Rajzverseny honlapján.
A beküldendő művekkel szemben támasztott kritériumok:
- Méretükben nem lehetnek kisebbek 30×42 cm-nél és nagyobbak 44×68 cm-nél.
- A hagyományos kínai festményeket papíron kell beküldeni maximum 69×138 cm-es méretben és nem szükséges bekeretezni őket.
- Az egyenlő esélyek biztosítása érdekében a szerzők neve nem szerepelhet a műveken.
- A versenyen való részvétel ingyenes.
- Nem minden nevezett művet fognak visszaküldeni
Jelentkezési cím:
Minden művet ajánlott küldeményként kell kézbesíteni a következő címre:
Qinhuailiuyun, Stone City Park, Stone City Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
Postal Code: 210019
További elérhetőségek:
Tel: 86-025-85561239
Liu Yunhui: 86-13913967609
Ji Ling: 86- 13772598287
E-mail: 2665706246@qq.com
Yan Runqing: 86-15295451450
E-mail: romantic2314@163.com
Join the YOG, Embrace the Future”— Art Works Solicitation for Nanjing 2014 International Youth Drawing Competition
The 2nd Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held in August 2014 in Nanjing (hereinafter, Nanjing 2014). As an international top-level sports event created for the worldwide youth, it will attract young athletes, officials, journalists and photographers, and friends from all walks of life to gather in Nanjing in the name of youth.
To help young people better enjoy, participate in and publicise YOG and promote the values and concepts of “Express excellence with vigour, share friendship with happiness and feel respect with appreciation” advocated by CEP of the YOG, and to motivate the youth to learn and pass the Olympism and realise the Olympic dreams, a drawing competition —Nanjing 2014International Youth Drawing Competition — will be held. The competition, following the concepts of Nanjing 2014, “Youth and Vigour, Participation and Sharing, Culture and Integration, Wisdom and Innovation, Green and Low-Carbon, Safety and Integrity”, invite the youth from all over the world to draw their expectations and dreams for YOG.
Title of the Competition:
The 2nd Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held in August 2014 in Nanjing (hereinafter, Nanjing 2014). As an international top-level sports event created for the worldwide youth, it will attract young athletes, officials, journalists and photographers, and friends from all walks of life to gather in Nanjing in the name of youth.
To help young people better enjoy, participate in and publicise YOG and promote the values and concepts of “Express excellence with vigour, share friendship with happiness and feel respect with appreciation” advocated by CEP of the YOG, and to motivate the youth to learn and pass the Olympism and realise the Olympic dreams, a drawing competition —Nanjing 2014International Youth Drawing Competition — will be held. The competition, following the concepts of Nanjing 2014, “Youth and Vigour, Participation and Sharing, Culture and Integration, Wisdom and Innovation, Green and Low-Carbon, Safety and Integrity”, invite the youth from all over the world to draw their expectations and dreams for YOG.
Title of the Competition: Nanjing 2014 International Youth Drawing Competition
Theme of the Competition: “Join the YOG, Embrace the Future”
Goal of the Competition: With drawing and painting as the basic competition form, this event will carry out the four pillars and five themes defined by the IOC for CEP of YOG, namely “learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together”and “Olympism, Skills development, Well-being and Healthy lifestyle, Social Responsibility and Expression”. Through the spreading of YOG values and concepts, the competition will encourage youths to participate in the competition and display their creativity; by advocating harmonious, green, sportive, healthy and happy lifestyle, it event will guide them to describe the world development and social progress with their painting brushes; in the form of cultural communication activities, this event will be held to inculcate the Olympic values “Excellence, Friendship and Respect” into the and bring them lifetime benefit; through this event, the YOG values and concepts will be popularised to win recognition of the Olympic values among the whole society and attain positive outcomes.
Contestants and Group Settings: All the children and teenagers aged between 6 to 18 loving drawing and advocating the Olympism are invited to participate in this drawing competition. There are two groups in this competition: the Children Group (6-12 year-olds) and the Teenager’s Group (13-18 years-olds).
Competition Schedule
- Commencement: Late November, 2012
- Submission Period: Late November, 2012 –30 April, 2013
- Evaluation Period: 1 May, 2013 – 31 May, 2013
- Results Announcement 31 May, 2013
- Award Ceremony Awarding, Winning works Exhibition & Summer Camp: August, 2013
Organising Bodies:
Host Unit:
Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee
Organisation Units:
Culture and Education Department of NYOGOC
People’s Government of Suining County
Special Support Units
Children’s Fine Arts and Art Committee of China Fine Arts Artist Association
Fine Arts Research Institution of China Arts Research Academe
Artist Association of Jiangsu Province
Support Units:
China Artist Ecological Culture Committee
International Children’s Art Exchange Center (the USA)
Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province
International Cultural Exchanges Center of Jiangsu Province
Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House
Children’s Art Magazine Office
Children’s Art Circles Magazine Office
Competition Requirements
- All candidate works must be created independently by the children and teenagers with “Join the YOG, Embrace the Future” as the theme. In the Children’s Group, children’s drawing will be taken as the basic form while in the youth group, participants should advocate ‘harmonious, green, sportive, healthy and happy lifestyle’ in the form of paper drawings (including Chinese painting, oil painting, gouache painting, watercolor painting, engraving, animation, comics and illustration, etc.). All the works should be ingenuous and natural, theme-prominent and carry a strong expressive and appealing force.
- The smallest specification should be 30cm×42cm and the biggest 44cm×68cm; Chinese painting works should be done on paper no larger than the size of 69cm×138cm (vertical advisable) and do not need to be framed.
- To ensure fairness in this competition, no author names shall appear on the works.
- No fees will be charged from the participants.
- All entries will not be returned.
- Submission Deadline: 30 April, 2013. (Subject to postmark date)
- The Organising Committee retains interpretation rights of this competition and is entitled to make adjustments to this competition if necessary without assuming responsibilities for the participants.
- Applications of the entries. Both individual and group applications are accepted. Individuals shall fill in the Registration Form of Entries of “Join the YOG, Embrace the Future”— Nanjing 2014 International Youth Drawing Competition, attached with the copy of guardian’s identification paper; the groups such as schools or youth art educational organisations shall fill in both the Registration Form of Entries of “Join the YOG, Embrace the Future”— Nanjing 2014 International Youth Drawing Competition and the Group Application Form of “Join the YOG, Embrace the Future”— Nanjing 2014 International Youth Drawing Competition. All works shall be sent via registered mail. The Organising Committee will not take responsibilities if the works get damaged or lost on their way to the destination.
Please send your work to:
Qinhuailiuyun, Stone City Park, Stone City Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
Postal Code: 210019
Tel: 86-025-85561239
Domestic Contacts:
Liu Yunhui 86-13913967609
Ji Ling 86-13772598287
E-mail: 2665706246@qq.com
International Contact:
Yan Runqing 86-15295451450
E-mail: romantic2314@163.com
Selection and Recognition
- For each group, the Children Group and Teenager Group, certificates will be awarded in the following categories: Awards of Winning (20), Awards of Excellence (30) and Awards of Finalists (200). The Award of Winning and Award of Excellence winners will be awarded licensed merchandise of Nanjing 2014 and the Award of Winning winners will be invited to participate in the summer camp held during the 2nd Asian Youth Games, Nanjing 2013 and given tickets to certain games. The Award of Winning winners will also be invited to Culture and Education Programme organised by NYOGOC.
- The Competition has prepared Prize for Organizing and prize winners will be awarded a medal.
- The award ceremony and summer camp will be held in August, 2013. The winning works exhibition will also be held at that time with the participation of children and teenagers who have won the Award of Winning as well as some Prize of Organizing winners.
- NYOGOC will be responsible for competition-related expenses in China for invited children and youth representatives during the award ceremony and summer camp.
- The Organising Committee will also compile works of Award of Winning and Award of Excellence, publish the collection and present one copy to each of the prize winners for free.
Appendix 4: Group Application Form of Nanjing 2014 International Youth Drawing Competition
Art Works Solicitation for Nanjing 2014 International Youth Drawing Competition .doc
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