Call for participants: Nisimazine Kaunas 2012. A new member of the NISI MASA network, Kaunas International Film Festival, has a big pleasure to present the upcoming first Nisimazine Kaunas, which will take place from the 26th of September to the 7th of October, during Kaunas IFF.
The team of 8 members from The Netherlands, Finland and Lithuania, aged between 18 and 30 years, will be covering festivals’ programme through unique daily newsletters that are send out to Nisimazine readers around the globe. This project will be organized as a following event after last years’ film journalism workshop, which successfully involved international team of young film critics in creating a unique festivals’ blog.
At Nisimazine Kaunas participants will cover Kaunas IFF in the traditional Nisimazine frames of review, in focus article, portrait, interview and off-course many photos depicting the best moments of the festival. Despite daily newsletters, all the texts will be published online in the official Nisimazine website and Kaunas IFF blog. As usual in Nisimazine, editing and publishing processes will be led by experienced tutor.
Kaunas International Film Festival is looking for young film journalists, who are confident and advanced in English writing, to come and share their thoughts about cinema. During the project, from the 26th of September to the 7th of October, participants will be provided with an accommodation and have a free access to all festival screenings and side events. As always Nisimazine is a great opportunity to develop professional skills in film journalism, meet new people with the same interest, and, off-course, explore and enjoy the variety of Kaunas IFF programme.
Applications must be send until the 15th of September via email to It should consist of brief motivation letter, CV and previous published texts on cinema. Participants are kindly asked to bring their own laptops if possible. Good English reading, writing and speaking skills are necessary.
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