Pályázatot hirdet az Open Space Systems a 2012-es programjában való részvételre. Az Open Space Systems osztrák művészeti központ pályázatot hirdet az Open Space, Open Systems (Nyílt hely, nyílt rendszerek) 2012-es programjára. A pályázatra a művészeti projektről készült leírást, a résztvevő művészek listáját és egyéb háttéranyagokat várnak.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2011. április 27.
Bővebb információ: Open Space Systems
E-mail: submission@openspace-zkp.org
Let’s Get Ready…
Curatorial team: Gülsen Bal and BridA / Jurij Pavlica, Sendi Mango, Tom Kerševan
Pixxelpoint is one of the most successful and renowned festivals of new media art in Slovenia and also abroad. Its purpose is firstly, to bring the information technology and new media art closer to the general public, and secondly, to raise awareness about a different potential to use the medium of connection.
Artists and art collectives from all countries working with new media and digital technologies that include work in traditional media as long as it may fit conceptually in the exhibition theme are invited to submit proposals of existing or new projects.
Applicants can choose to submit works in the following categories:
- New media installation (new media work that is exhibited in spatial arrangements)
- Computer based art (project that doesn’t require physical space, for example, programs, computer games, internet art, etc.)
- Digital print
- Video
- Other (work in traditional media – ie drawing, painting, sculpture and so on – that may fit thematically or conceptually in the exhibition)
All submitted works must match to given exhibition theme Let’s Get Ready….
The title for the 12th edition of Pixxelpoint 2011 is appropriately enigmatic Let’s Get Ready… merely defines a space of engagement driven forward by a generative force: “to begin again from the beginning” for those who seek what formulates new media art in its fluent transition between the various manifestations, which can take on new meanings in multiple contextual re-configurations no matter what of their materiality or mediality. Especially when considering the articulations from the fundamental/historical register to what this could foster at the intersection of new media art’s “mission, its destiny.”
Beyond what has been stated, it can also be said that one of the characteristics of new media art is potentially generate a critical moments; an instance of that might open up the possibility of thinking the ‘new.’
However, in describing the relation to the new media driven art forms, there is likewise a kernel approach as “new technologies are nothing other than new means to an end.” Then, what does this interpretation cultivate? And, how could this space of engagement be defined within these statement, which at first appear contradictory yet are co-existing and non-separable?
The repercussions of what characterize the generative moment of reconnecting processually with what is produced, with the conditions of emergence of which reveals its transformative capacities as a space for possibilities. This highlights the political and cultural context of contemporary art production in the context of the emergence of micropolitical forces to generate.
This seeks to maintain relational entities in tracing a line through different planes of production and this is the very core of the direction of the 12th edition of Pixxelpoint 2011, linked with the eventualities of implications for the very idea of critical engagement as to create different forms of articulation in relation to new media art.
Submission Guidelines
All applicants should fill the entry form and send it online along with the proposal to pixxelpoint2011@gmail.com.
Every single work must be accompanied by entry form. Works submitted without this entry form will not be valid.
ENTRY FORM (PDF): (http://www.pixxelpoint.org/entryform.pdf)
DEADLINE: June 10th 2011, arrival date.
A judging panel will chose the award winner which will be announced during the festival.
Award jury:
Vuk Ćosić – new media artist, pioneer of net.art, Ljubljana.
Charles Esche – curator, writer and director of the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven.
Ida Hiršenfelder – freelance art critic, also collaborates with Radio Študent, Dnevnik and Center for Contemporary Arts – SCCA, Ljubljana .
Tevž Logar – artistic director of Škuc gallery, Ljubljana.
Franz Thalmair – curator, writer and co-founded the collective CONT3XT.NET. currently managing curator at the Secession, Vienna.
For more info:
Forrás: http://www.mke.hu/ ; www.openspace-zkp.org
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