PLURAL+ 2012 címmel, az Egyesült Nemzetek Civilizációk Szövetsége (UNAOC) és a Nemzetközi Migrációs Szervezet (IOM) videó pályázatot hirdet migráció, diverzitás és szociális befogadás témakörökben.
Submitting your video to the PLURAL+ Video Festival means that you have agreed to all of the rules and regulations listed below.
- Entrants to PLURAL+ must be youth between the ages of 9-25.
- The Entrant is the one person responsible for submitting the video.
- People appearing in the video do not have to be youth. However the videos must reflect the youth’s opinions or reflections about migration and diversity.
- Multiple youth may work together to make one video, as long as all members of the group are between the ages of 9-25.
- Other people involved in the making of the video (e.g. educators, teachers, instructors, etc.) might be over 25 as long as their creative role is minimal (group coordination, technical support, renting equipment, etc.)
- If multiple youth work together on one video then the video will be judged in the age category of the eldest youth.
- Immediate family members (siblings, children and grandchildren) of jurors for the PLURAL+ Video Festival are not eligible to enter the Video Festival.
- Preferably all videos should be submitted on DVDs, or through a file hosting website of choice (MediaFire, YouSendit,…)
- Videos that are not in English must have English subtitles.
- All videos must be 5 minutes maximum of running time, including title and end credits.
Consent and Copyright
- All videos must be accompanied by a signed entry form.
- If the entrant is a minor in his/her country of residence then the entry form must be co-signed by the entrant’s parent, guardian, teacher or adult responsible for the entrant(s).
- If the entrant a minor in his/her country of residence and the entry form is co-signed by someone who is not the entrant’s parent or legal guardian then the entrant must also get the consent of their parent or legal guardian.
- PLURAL+ will seek written consent of the parents or legal guardians of the makers of the winning videos.
- Entrants must get the consent of everyone appearing in their videos if their faces are recognizable.
- Entrants must get the consent of everyone whose music is used in their videos unless consent is not needed (due to lack of copyright etc.).
- Entrants must get the consent of everyone whose copyrighted, patented or trademarked material appears in their videos.
- Videos do not have to have been made specifically for the PLURAL+ Video Festival, but videos must have been completed after January 2010.
- No video may contain vulgarity, violence, defamatory language or any other subject deemed by the PLURAL+ Video Festival organizers to be inappropriate for the tone of the competition.
- Videos must pertain to the topics of migration, diversity, social inclusion, and related topics.
- Reflecting on these topics, videos should show the youth’s thoughts, experiences, opinions, questions and suggestions.
- Videos may be of whatever type, style or genre that the entrant wishes – animated, documentary, drama, music video, comedy etc.
- Videos should reflect the aims of the PLURAL+ Video Festival, which are:
- To recognize youth as agents of social change in a world often characterized by intolerance, and cultural and religious divisions.
- To involve youth in addressing questions on migrant integration, inclusiveness, identity, diversity, human rights and social inclusion wherever they be in the world.
- To encourage the practical contributions of young people in not just identifying constraints, but also in promoting a climate of respect and appreciation for each other.
Use of the Video
- The makers of the video will continue to own the rights of their videos, but when they submit the video to the PLURAL+ Video Festival they agree that PLURAL+ has unlimited use of the video.
- PLURAL+ and its associated partners reserve the right to show any submitted videos a limitless, non commercial, number of times in whatever format they deem fit in order to further the educational aims of PLURAL+.
- PLURAL+ and its associated partners reserve the right to use the video and the video makers’ names or likenesses in any PLURAL+ related promotional or advertising venture without compensation to the entrant.
- The makers of the video agree to the possibility of wide multi-platform distribution of their work, including broadcast, satellite, internet, film festivals and DVD.
- All entries must include a fully completed and signed entry form, including co-signature by a parent, guardian, teacher or responsible adult if the entrant is a minor in his/her country of residence.
- If summiting a DVD, each package must contain:.
- The fully completed entry form
- The DVD of the video
- All DVDs must have the name of the entrant and the English title of the video printed on top of the DVD in permanent marker.
- Videos must be sent to:
United Nations – Alliance of Civilizations
Chrysler Building
405 Lexington ave, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10174 USA,
Phone: +1 212-457-1796
If summiting trough a file hosting website, participants should send an email to In the subject line write PLURAL+2012 VIDEO ENTRY, and the text mail should include:
Title of the videos
Name of the authors
Address/link for download the video
Contact email
- a. Participants must follow these instructions or risk their entry not being accepted.
- b. The Entry Form must also be included as an attachment to the email. Videos will not be accepted without the Entry Form completed and signed.
- PLURAL+ is not responsible for the cost of sending videos.
- PLURAL+ will not be able to return the DVDs so please keep master copy of your video in a safe place.
- PLURAL+ is not responsible for lost, late, misrouted, misappropriated, or damaged entries.
- Entrants must inform the PLURAL+ Video Festival organizers if their contact information changes at anytime between submitting their video and the announcement of the competition winner.
- The official language of the PLURAL+ Video Festival is English.
- Packages containing DV entries must be posted by July Sunday 1, 2012.
- File hosting website must be received by the PLURAL+ Video Festival before Midnight (New York City Time GMC -5hours) on Sunday July 1, 2012.
- Entries received after this time will not be considered. Please make sure that you leave ample time for your video to arrive in New York.
Prizes & Awards
- The PLURAL+ JURY AWARD prizes will be awarded in three (3) age-based categories:
- 9 to 12 years old
- 13 to 17 years old
- 18 to 25 years old
- The PLURAL+ Jury Awards will be awarded to one entrant per category and will be selected by an independent international jury.
- The 3 winners of the PLURAL+ JURY AWARD will each receive US$1,000.
- Additional awards will be given by collaborating partner agencies and may include equipment or professional opportunities.
- Winning videos will receive broad recognition and exposure through wide multi-platform distribution of their work, including broadcast, satellite, internet, film festivals and DVD.
- Winning entrants will be notified no later than October 14, 2012.
- A prestigious international jury will announce the winners in New York during an event hosted at the Paley Center for Media on December 6, 2012 in New York.
- View complete Rules and Regulations.
- Download the PLURAL+ entry form [DOC] [PDF]
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