Idén októberben öt éves lesz a Primanima, a világ első animációs world fesztiválja. A Primanimára idén 2014 óta készült diák-, diploma-, elsőfilmeket várnak.
Nevezési határidő: 2016. augusztus 1.
- It should be an animated film, meaning that it is produced frame-by-frame using various techniques other than live action or mixed with live action;
- it should be eligible in one of the following categories:
- workshop film = your animated short film produced at high school, workshops, university education or any other trainings as student (older than 15 years old)
- graduation film = your B.A. or M.A. school-leaving short film début film = your first animated short film production apart from educational background
- it should be completed after the 1st of January 2014;
- it should be no longer than 20 minutes;
- it should have English subtitles included if it is with dialogues.
If your film matches all the above requirements, please do the following:
- fill out the online entry form on PRIMANIMA’s website (for free )or submit your film through Film Freeway (for a symbolic fee);
- send your film for pre-jurying. We recommend you to submit your film already in its screening format
– by providing a video streaming URL (Vimeo, Youtube or Dropbox links)
– by post (DVD-PAL, DVD-NTSC and Blu-ray video formats are acceptable) to the festival’s - postal address (Reanimation Studio, 83 Columbus street, Budapest 1145, HUNGARY);
– or send it via Wetransfer or Myairbridge or any other online file transfer service
Entry is free of charge if submitted through
By submitting your film to PRIMANIMA you confirm that you own the rights of the film or you acquired full permission to do so,
And you agree to the followings:
- the public screenings of your film(s) during the festival
- the use of photographic material or other documents related to films entered to the Festival
- solely within the framework of the Festival and its promotion in the media
You can optionally agree to the followings:
- the use of excerpts of maximum of 3 minutes or 10% of running time for publicity purposes of PRIMANIMA
- the additional screenings of your film(s) in the follow-up events of Primanima promoting and circulating the Festival results (e.g. screening of award winning films); for any additional use of your film(s) besides the above cases the festival organizers will request a written permission from the filmmaker or producer.
Official selection will be announced in the first week of September 2016. Films will be selected by the Festival Organizing Staff. The chosen films will make up PRIMANIMA’s official selection in the following categories:
- short film competition with three main subcategories (student films, graduation films, début films)
- children’s film competition.
There will be no oral or written critique given on films submitted. We will only notify those whose film have been selected for competition. We will not individually notify entrants who were not selected to competition.
Screening of films
If your film is selected to PRIMANIMA (either competition or out-of-competition programme), you should send us the screening copy of the film in case the print sent to pre-selection does not match the screening requirements:
High quality digital video files or Bluray videos are accepted as a screening copy.
- Bluray videos should be sent via post (see the postal address below)
- HD videos can be sent by Wetransfer / Dropbox / as downloadable Vimeo files.
the screening copy must arrive until 30th of September 2015.
Directors of competition films are welcome to participate PRIMANIMA! For further information about accomodation in Budaörs during PRIMANIMA, the festival organizers will get in touch with the directors after the announcement of pre-selection results. The festival cannot cover travel expenses!
PRIMANIMA Organizing Staff will decide on the composition of the international jury made up of 3 members. No jury member must be, in any way, involved in the production or distribution of films which they will have to judge.
Official Awards
a) Grand Prix
b George Pal Award for the Most Promising Hungarian Talent
c) Best Début Film
d) Best Diploma Film
e) Best Student Film
f) Prima Sound Award for Best Sound Design
g) Macskássy Gyula Award for the Most Popular Hungarian Film
h) Audience Award
i) Student Jury Award
j) Best Children Film given by the Children Jury
The total amount of money prizes will be announced at the beginning of the festival.
Organizers and Patronage
For further information please get in contact with us:
Email: info[at]primanima[dot]eu
Mobile phone: (0036) 30 9847394
Postal address:
Primanima Kft.
83 Columbus utca
Budapest H-1145