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swatch Young Illustrators Award 2010

swatch young-illustrative-award 2010Meghirdették a „Swatch Young Illustrators Award“ -ot a berlini Illustrative szervezői. A nonprofit szervezet a kreativitás és az innovatív megoldások támogatója a grafika, valamint az illusztráció terén, 2006 óta mozgatja meg kiállításaival és versenyeivel a szakmát világszerte. A beérkező pályaműveket a szakmai sajtó neves kritikusai, művészeti magazinok főszerkesztői értékelik. A nyertes az elismerés mellett pénzjutalomban részesül, meghívást kap a 2011-es Illustrative kiállításra, valamint felkérést kap egy Swatch óra formatervezésre – írja az
A „Swatch Young Illustrators Award“ egy egyedi verseny, mely a kreativitást és az újító megoldásokat hivatott támogatni a kortárs grafika és illusztráció terén. A díj bátorítja és támogatja a fiatal tervezőket az alkotásban, valamint egy nemzetközi, világszerte elismert alkotóteret kínál számukra. A versenybe benevezhetőek: illusztrációk, különböző grafikai művészeti tervezetek, installációk és könyvművészeti objektumok.

A jelöltek meghívást kapnak Berlinbe, és egyben lehetőséget munkáik bemutatására az „Illustrative 2011 in Berlin” keretén belül. A győztesek jutalma 6.000 €, továbbá: kiadványok, illusztrátor ügynökségek által kínált szerződések és részvétel a tervezett nemzetközi kiállításokon. A győztes felkérést kap egy Swatch óra formatervezésre, amely kiváló lehetőséget kínál számára, hogy olyan neves művészek sorába zárkózzon fel mint Kiki Picasso, Pedro Almodóvar, Robert Altman és Keith Haring.

A benevezett munkák megítéléséért felelős szakértői zsűri tagjai vezető művészeti szakértők és neves művészeti magazinok főszerkesztői.

A „Swatch Young Illustrators Award” kikiáltási ideje 2010. júniusa. A munkákat a versenybe 2010 október 10-ig lehet benevezni. Egy nemzetközi szakzsűri választja majd ki októberben a verseny győzteseit kategóriák szerint.

A pályaművek beküldési határideje 2010. október 10.

A verseny teljes kiírása az Illustrative hivatalos oldalán olvasható.

Join Illustrative 2011 in Berlin

Undiscovered illustration and graphic artists worldwide now have the chance to reveal themselves internationally. Until the end of September 2010, Illustrative´s arms are open to receive works from new artists from all over the world for the Swatch Young Illustrators Award.

The award offers the winners not only the opportunity to be part of Illustrative in May 2011 in Berlin, but also prizes worth 6.000 Euros, the opportunity to design a Swatch watch, publications and illustration agency contracts and the possibility of exhibiting in future Illustrative festivals in some of the most creative cities of the world.

Illustrative is the leading international forum for contemporary illustration and graphic arts. The exhibition displays an inspiring collection of fresh illustration and graphic art showcasing over 600 works from more than 60 artists. The next Illustrative will be held in Berlin in May 2011.  Over the course of two weeks, the festival celebrate the illustrative arts, presents new talents and trends, exchanges ideas, marvels at progressive technologies, and rediscovers forgotten styles.

Illustrative features an exclusive exhibition and shows works from 60 internationally recognised illustrators in addition to hosting conferences, a film program, and parties. Degree Shows from leading Art Universities will be present, as will agencies at a Portfolio Review Weekend. Furthermore Illustrative assigns Awards for excellent illustration projects yearly. With international exhibitions in Museums and Galleries, Illustrative gives visibility to unconventional and innovative art projects that go beyond the mainstream.  Illustrative is curated by Pascal Johanssen and initiated by Illustrative  e.V., an independent non-profit-organization based in Berlin.

Revealing new Talents of the international Illustration Scene

The nominees of the Swatch Young Illustrators Award will get the opportunity to exhibit their work at Illustrative and for two weeks, the winners will join this celebration of the latest talents, trends and innovation in illustrative art. The Swatch Young Illustrators Award offers this unique opportunity, recognising creativity and innovation in contemporary illustration and graphic art.

To reward the best in graphic + illustration projects, animation and book art the Swatch Young Illustrators Award presents a prize of 6.000 Euros to the winner as well as publications and illustration agency contracts and the opportunity to be featured in future international shows. One winner will also be invited to design a Swatch Watch – a great opportunity to join the ranks of artists such as Kiki Picasso, Pedro Almodóvar, Robert Altman and Keith Haring.

The winners will be chosen by an international jury consisting of leading art directors, experts in the field of graphic art and editors of design magazines. The jury will decide each of the category’s winners in October 2010. The short-listed artists will be announced beforehand on the Illustrative website at The nominees are invited to meet in Berlin in November 2010. Within the Illustrative festival in Berlin in My 2011, the Awards and further prizes will be awarded in a ceremony.

Illustrative displays not only the quality and fantasy of the latest graphic arts but also shows how the visual effects of graphic design, illustration, book art, comics, concept art, and animation spill into and influence the field of art. Established in Berlin in 2006, Illustrative has been held in Berlin three times (2006/2007/2009), once in Paris (2007), and once in Zürich (2008). To guarantee the topicality of the exhibition, before every Illustrative the art works are examined closely by a curatorial committee lead by Berlin-based curator Pascal Johanssen and Katja Kleiss. Illustrative, a nonprofit organization, publishes the art journal “Objects: Journal for Applied Arts” where innovation in the applied arts is investigated. Since spring 2010, Illustrative has been physically based at “Direktorenhaus”, a new art space in Berlin.


Application period: 01 JUNE – 22 OCTOBER 2010

Registration: In order to submit your work, please login. If you do not have a login yet, register as a new user. To fully register, you will be asked to pay a submission fee of EUR 30 (48 $) for administration purposes. Only on receipt of payment your registration will be completed. Please note that transaction fees must be paid in addition to the submission fee. Please inquire about these fees at your bank or at

Personal contact: As soon as you are registered (or anytime before the deadline), you can submit your work for the Swatch Young Illustrators Award and become part of the Illustrative network. One of our team members will contact you after your registration and will remain your personal contact during the course of the competition.

Application form: Once logged in you can proceed to the application form. To apply with your art work or project using the online application form, we will need personal information and the name of the category in which you apply. Now you can send your work samples. Please email a PDF with an overall upload limit of 5MB to

Important: Please do not send us original artwork via postal services. If you need to send additional supporting material (CD, DVD) you may post it to:

Illustrative e.V.
Am Krögel 2
10179 Berlin (Germany)
or mail to: Pascal Johanssen

Please consult the full conditions of entry before applying

More information:
